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Workshops + Classes

Searching PubMed
Discover the secrets of effectively searching PubMed (MEDLINE), the world’s leading biomedical literature database! In this introductory workshop, you will learn the best practices of keyword searching, how PubMed interprets your searches, and how to craft an advanced search. Additionally, we will explore how to filter and refine search results, locate related citations, and find the full-text article. We will use the MyNCBI feature to save searches and results.

Searching the Nursing Literature with CINAHL + JBI
CINAHL (Cumulative Index to Nursing & Allied Health Literature) and the Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) databases are two of the premier evidence-based nursing literature resources. Learn how to effectively search for pertinent journal articles, systematic reviews, evidence summaries, and recommended practices.

Medical Genetics Resources I
This lecture introduces the National Center for Biotechnology Information  molecular databases on medical genetics, genetic tests, and laboratories.

Conducting Research
This lecture introduces the process of conducting research, development of the research question and hypothesis, literature analysis, research methods, data management, and research integrity.

Writing a Systematic Review  
This lecture provides an overview of the purpose, structure, components, writing process of systematic reviews, and the systematic review standards and guidelines.

Scientific Communication
This lecture is an introduction to the development of  a scientific presentation for communication of scholarly findings.

Scientific Writing 
This lecture is an introduction to the writing a scientific manuscript, submission and review, authorship guidelines, copyright and intellectual property rights, research integrity, and ethics of publication.

Research Data Management
This lecture introduces a concept of data-driven research, research data management, data management planning for grant proposals, and DoD biomedical research and data policy.

Ethics in Academic Writing and Publication
This lecture introduces the standards and guidelines of ethical writing, research theft and predatory publishing, plagiarism, research integrity in writing and communicating research and research data, copyright and intellectual property rights, research integrity, and research forensics used for the detection of plagiarism.

Citation Management 
This lecture introduces the fundamentals of citation information management. 

Managing Reference Citations with EndNote (Web version)
This workshop will help you to develop basic skills in bibliographic management using EndNote Web citation manager. In this hands-on class, you will create an online account via the Darnall Medical Library and will create a reference library accessible anywhere/anytime, collect citations from various biomedical literature databases, organize references, generate and format bibliographies, share your library electronically with peers, and insert references into a Word document.  You will also be briefly introduced to EndNote Desktop.

All Quick Take Sessiosn are 45 minutes or less!

Article Retrieval: What to do when Plan A Fails
You have used the skills from our PubMed classes to create a search. Now you have a list of articles you want to read. The "Locate@Darnall" link is meant to take you straight to the article you want, but sometimes it does not work properly. This class will help you troubleshoot the common error messages you get when the Locate@Darnall link does not work.

Keeping Up with the Literature
Keeping up with current biomedical research can be overwhelming. Imagine having one single list of articles from your favorite journals, newspapers, web sites, and blogs which you could peruse at your leisure. We will show you ways you can keep current by setting up search alerts and browsing your top journals in a mobile-friendly way. In just 45 minutes, you will learn all you need to know to get started!

Providing Health Information to Your Patients at the Point of Care
Have patients mentioned their attempts to Google diagnosis or treatment information?  In this workshop, participants will learn about free online patient health information resources that are vetted, reliable, and credible and about patient health information available in the library's clinical resources.  Participants will learn tools to identify reliable health information for patients at the point of care.

Participants will become familiar with the resources available in ClinicalKey including journals, eTextbooks, drug monographs, guidelines, patient education, and multimedia. Participants will also learn how to seamlessly add medical photographs and radiological images with citations from ClinicalKey directly to their PowerPoint presentations.

Participants will become familiar with the resources available in OvidMD, a point of care tool that can simultaneously search ACP Journal Club, MEDLINE, guidelines, journals, eTextbooks, A to Z Drug Facts, patient information, and images. 

Best Mobile Medical Apps
Bring your smartphone or tablet and come learn about the top mobile medical resources and applications available through Darnall Medical Library and beyond. We will highlight reputable medical apps, show you what you have available via Darnall’s subscriptions, and shine a light on some of the best freely-available apps around.

Your Mobile Evidence-Based Practice Toolkit
Spend 30 minutes with us and you will walk away with key mobile apps and resources that will enhance your practice of evidence-based medicine at the point of care. We will help you build a folder on your mobile device that contains the top point-of-care apps including those that cover diseases, drugs, medical calculators and statistics, and critical appraisal tools.

Contact the Darnall Medical Library (DML)

For WRNNMC Healthcare
Providers and Staff
For WRNNMC Patients
  • TRICARE Appointment Line: 855-227-6331
  • Walter Reed NMMC Main Phone: 301-295-4611
  • TRICARE Health Services (includes phone numbers)

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Register for a Class

To register for a class, please go to the Course Calendar to peruse the schedule and sign up for individual classes.

Request a Class

The librarians at Darnall Medical Library are happy to provide individual and group classes or consultations upon request. Standard classes are listed to the left, but the librarians have broad experience in all facets of research and evidence-based practice. Depending on your particular needs, a librarian or team of librarians can design training well-suited to you or your learners.

To request a class, click on the "Email the DML Librarians" link above.

Darnall Medical Library | Walter Reed NMMC | Building 1, Room 3458 | 8955 Wood Road | Bethesda, MD 20889 | 301-295-1184/85 | Open Monday-Friday, 0700-1630

After-hours access to the library is available to WRNMMC Staff via the CDO at 301-295-4611.