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Staff Blog (Note: Daily Staffing Is Here:

20 JUNE 2024

by Michele Mason-Coles on 2024-06-20T08:18:00-04:00 | 2 Comments

Good morning!

  • Great job completing DMHRSi on Tuesday. Per Natalie, any changes/updates can be reconciled when the report comes out.
  • Thank you Mac for submitting the various tickets for temperature concerns (thermostat and air handlers).
    • Mac has also agreed to track the temperature each afternoon. This will serve as the metric we report up at the Safety Huddle regarding warm afternoon temps. 
  • Let's all review the SOP and Emergency information found on the share drive at the following path: \\WRNMDFPISISMBD1\DeptShares$\Dept1\Stitt_Library\Current_SOPs\Emergency_Code_Info
    • We can select a day next week to discuss to agree on updated group texting practices.

Thanks everyone.

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Posts: 23
Dr. Tmanova, DVM, MS, MLIS 2024-06-20T08:50:16-04:00

Thank you! I mentioned on the discussion of the Emergency Code during the week of sent codes. We could discuss this during the Huddle next week. 


Posts: 32
Michele Mason-Coles 2024-06-21T08:49:06-04:00

Yes - we can plan to discuss at Wednesday's huddle. 



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