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Staff Blog (Note: Daily Staffing Is Here:

25 JUNE 2024

by Michele Mason-Coles on 2024-06-25T09:32:40-04:00 | 0 Comments

Good morning,

  • Staff Calendar: 
    • Thanks to Triza for kindly offering to keep the staff calendar updated 
      • Once leave or training is scheduled, you can send your dates to Triza to be added to the calendar.
    • We can submit leave requests in ATAPPS through the end of year. We'll need to sort out staffing around the holidays for sufficient library coverage.
  • Reminders:
    • ATAAPS / ExSum due COB tomorrow (Wednesday)  
    • Huddle tomorrow at 0915
    • Code Yellow exercise tomorrow: Details are on your safety badge and in the orange emergency binder
      • Report to / return to Circ desk for muster
      • If at another location during exercise, call Circ Desk or call/text acting director
      • No one is allowed to enter or exit the command; anyone wanting to enter or exit the hospital will be directed to a specific location
  • Updates:  I have asked Dr. Amin and Dr. Quinn to meet with all of us as it has been close to a month since Ann's retirement - I'll let you know when that gets scheduled. 

Thanks and have a great day.


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