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Dentistry - Prosthodontics: Selected Journals

All Journals

For a complete list of the library's print and electronic journals, please go to the library's Journals page.

Core Medical Journals

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Selected Journals for Prosthodontics

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Providers and Staff
For WRNNMC Patients
  • TRICARE Appointment Line: 855-227-6331
  • Walter Reed NMMC Main Phone: 301-295-4611
  • TRICARE Health Services (includes phone numbers)

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Darnall Medical Library | Walter Reed NMMC | Building 1, Room 3458 | 8955 Wood Road | Bethesda, MD 20889 | 301-295-1184/85 | Open Monday-Friday, 0700-1700

After-hours access to the library is available to WRNMMC Staff via the CDO at 301-295-4611.