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NICoE. Traumatic Brain Injury: NICoE Publication


  • Babakhanyan, I., Brickell, T. A., Bailie, J. M., Hungerford, L., Lippa, S. M., French, L. M., & Lange, R. T. (2024). Gender Disparities in Neurobehavioral Symptoms and the Role of Post-Traumatic Symptoms in US Service Members Following Mild Traumatic Brain Injury. J Neurotrauma, 41(13-14), e1687-e1696.
  • Bailie, J. M., Lippa, S. M., Hungerford, L., French, L. M., Brickell, T. A., & Lange, R. T. (2024). Cumulative Blast Exposure During a Military Career Negatively Impacts Recovery from Traumatic Brain Injury. J Neurotrauma, 41(5-6), 604-612.
  • Brickell, T. A., French, L. M., Wright, M. M., Sullivan, J. K., Ivins, B. J., Varbedian, N. V., Byrd, A. M., & Lange, R. T. (2024). Family caregivers of service members in United States Department of Defense health care report impairment in longitudinal health outcomes. Psychol Trauma.
  • Brickell, T. A., Ivins, B. J., Wright, M. M., French, L. M., & Lange, R. T. (2024). Longitudinal health outcomes in caregivers of military members with traumatic brain injury. Rehabil Psychol, 69(2), 135-144.
  • Brickell, T. A., Wright, M. M., Sullivan, J. K., Varbedian, N. V., Byrd, A. M., French, L. M., & Lange, R. T. (2024). Health outcomes in caregivers of service members and veterans with traumatic brain injury enrolled in the U.S. Veterans Affairs Caregiver Support Program. Psychol Serv, 21(3), 635-648.
  • Brickell, T. A., Wright, M. M., Sullivan, J. K., Varbedian, N. V., Rogers-Yosebashvili, A. A., French, L. M., & Lange, R. T. (2024). Low resilience is associated with worse health-related quality of life in caregivers of service members and veterans with traumatic brain injury: a longitudinal study. Qual Life Res, 33(8), 2197-2206.
  • Caccese, J. B., Master, C. L., Buckley, T. A., Chrisman, S. P. D., Clugston, J. R., Eckner, J. T., Ermer, E., Harcum, S., Hunt, T. N., Jain, D., Kelly, L. A., Langford, T. D., Lempke, L. B., McDevitt, J., Memmini, A. K., Mozel, A. E., Perkins, S. M., Putukian, M., Roby, P. R., . . . Esopenko, C. (2024). Sex Differences in Recovery Trajectories of Assessments for Sport-Related Concussion Among NCAA Athletes: A CARE Consortium Study. Sports Med, 54(6), 1707-1721.
  • Chan, L., Hallett, M., Zalewski, C. K., Brewer, C. C., Zampieri, C., Hoa, M., Lippa, S. M., Fitzgibbon, E., French, L. M., Moses, A. D., van der Merwe, A. J., Pierpaoli, C., Turtzo, L. C., Yonter, S., Shahim, P., Moore, B., Stamps, L., Flynn, S., Fontana, J., . . . Smith, W. B. (2024). Clinical, Biomarker, and Research Tests Among US Government Personnel and Their Family Members Involved in Anomalous Health Incidents. Jama, 331(13), 1109-1121.
  • Davidson, A. J., Ellis, G. M., Jenkins, K., Kokx-Ryan, M., & Brungart, D. S. (2024). Examining the Use and Benefits of Low-/Mild-Gain Hearing Aids in Service Members with Normal Hearing Thresholds and Self-Reported Hearing Difficulties. Healthcare (Basel), 12(5).
  • Edwards, K. A., Lange, R. T., Lippa, S. M., Brickell, T. A., Gill, J. M., & French, L. M. (2023). Serum GFAP, NfL, and tau concentrations are associated with worse neurobehavioral functioning following mild, moderate, and severe TBI: a cross-sectional multiple-cohort study. Front Neurol, 14, 1223960.
  • French, L. M., Brickell, T. A., Lippa, S. M., Rogers, A. A., Cristaudo, K. E., Walker, T. T., Higgins, M., Bailie, J. M., Kennedy, J., Hungerford, L., & Lange, R. T. (2024). Clinical relevance of subthreshold PTSD versus full criteria PTSD following traumatic brain injury in U.S. service members and veterans. J Affect Disord, 358, 408-415.
  • Jain, D., Caccese, J. B., Boltz, A. J., Buckley, T., Cameron, K. L., Chrisman, S. P. D., Clugston, J. R., Eckner, J. T., Ermer, E., Scott, F. G., Harcum, S., Hunt, T. N., Jannace, K. C., Kelly, L. A., Lempke, L. B., McDevitt, J., Memmini, A., Mozel, A., Putukian, M., . . . Esopenko, C. (2024). Factors Associated With Return to Activity After Concussion Among Female Service Academy Members: Findings From the NCAA-DoD CARE Consortium. Mil Med.
  • Kennedy, E., Liebel, S. W., Lindsey, H. M., Vadlamani, S., Lei, P. W., Adamson, M. M., Alda, M., Alonso-Lana, S., Anderson, T. J., Arango, C., Asarnow, R. F., Avram, M., Ayesa-Arriola, R., Babikian, T., Banaj, N., Bird, L. J., Borgwardt, S., Brodtmann, A., Brosch, K., . . . Dennis, E. L. (2024). Verbal Learning and Memory Deficits across Neurological and Neuropsychiatric Disorders: Insights from an ENIGMA Mega Analysis. Brain Sci, 14(7).
  • Kim, S., Ollinger, J., Song, C., Raiciulescu, S., Seenivasan, S., Wolfgang, A., Werner, J. K., & Yeh, P. H. (2024). White Matter Alterations in Military Service Members With Remote Mild Traumatic Brain Injury. JAMA Netw Open, 7(4), e248121.
  • Koterba, C. H., Considine, C. M., Becker, J. H., Hoskinson, K. R., Ng, R., Vargas, G., Basso, M. R., Puente, A. E., Lippa, S. M., & Whiteside, D. M. (2024). Neuropsychology practice guidance for the neuropsychiatric aspects of Long COVID. Clin Neuropsychol, 1-29.
  • Lange, R. T., French, L. M., Lippa, S. M., Gillow, K., Tippett, C. E., Barnhart, E. A., Glazer, M. E., Bailie, J. M., Hungerford, L., & Brickell, T. A. (2024). High Lifetime Blast Exposure Using the Blast Exposure Threshold Survey Is Associated With Worse Warfighter Brain Health Following Mild Traumatic Brain Injury. J Neurotrauma, 41(1-2), 186-198.
  • Lange, R. T., French, L. M., Lippa, S. M., Gillow, K. C., Bailie, J. M., Turner, S. M., Hungerford, L. D., & Brickell, T. A. (2024). Convergent and Discriminant Validity of the Blast Exposure Threshold Survey in United States Military Service Members and Veterans. J Neurotrauma, 41(7-8), 934-941.
  • Lange, R. T., French, L. M., Lippa, S. M., Rogers, A. A., Gillow, K., Tippett, C. E., Bailie, J. M., Hungerford, L., Kennedy, J., & Brickell, T. A. (2024). Service needs and neurobehavioral functioning following traumatic brain injury in U.S. military personnel. Rehabil Psychol.
  • Lange, R. T., Gill, J. M., Lippa, S. M., Hungerford, L., Walker, T., Kennedy, J., Brickell, T. A., & French, L. M. (2024). Elevated Serum Tau and UCHL-1 Concentrations Within 12 Months of Injury Predict Neurobehavioral Functioning 2 or More Years Following Traumatic Brain Injury: A Longitudinal Study. J Head Trauma Rehabil, 39(3), 196-206.
  • Lempke, L. B., Caccese, J. B., Syrydiuk, R. A., Buckley, T. A., Chrisman, S. P. D., Clugston, J. R., Eckner, J. T., Ermer, E., Esopenko, C., Jain, D., Kelly, L. A., Memmini, A. K., Mozel, A. E., Putukian, M., Susmarski, A., Pasquina, P. F., McCrea, M. A., McAllister, T. W., Broglio, S. P., & Master, C. L. (2024). Female Collegiate Athletes' Concussion Characteristics and Recovery Patterns: A Report from the NCAA-DoD CARE Consortium. Ann Biomed Eng, 52(10), 2741-2755.
  • Lempke, L. B., Ermer, E., Boltz, A. J., Caccese, J., Buckley, T. A., Cameron, K. L., Chrisman, S. P. D., D'Lauro, C., Eckner, J. T., Esopenko, C., Hunt, T. N., Jain, D., Kelly, L. A., Memmini, A. K., Mozel, A. E., Putukian, M., Susmarski, A., Pasquina, P. F., McCrea, M. A., . . . Master, C. L. (2024). Initial Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Characteristics and Recovery Patterns Among Females Across the United States Military Service Academies: A Report from the NCAA-DoD CARE Consortium. Ann Biomed Eng, 52(10), 2756-2767.
  • Lippa, S. M., Bailie, J. M., French, L. M., Brickell, T. A., & Lange, R. T. (2024). Lifetime blast exposure is not related to cognitive performance or psychiatric symptoms in US military personnel. Clin Neuropsychol, 1-23.
  • Lippa, S. M., Gillow, K. C., Hungerford, L. D., Bailie, J. M., French, L. M., Brickell, T. A., & Lange, R. T. (2024). Research Letter: Retrograde Amnesia and Posttraumatic Amnesia in Service Members and Veterans With Remote History of TBI. J Head Trauma Rehabil.
  • Paxton Willing, M. M., Tate, L. L., Riggs, D. S., DeGraba, T. J., Sours Rhodes, C., & Pickett, T. C. (2024). The Association of Mental Health Symptoms to Post-Traumatic Nightmares Among Treatment Seeking Active Duty Service Members. Mil Med.
  • Pierpaoli, C., Nayak, A., Hafiz, R., Irfanoglu, M. O., Chen, G., Taylor, P., Hallett, M., Hoa, M., Pham, D., Chou, Y. Y., Moses, A. D., van der Merwe, A. J., Lippa, S. M., Brewer, C. C., Zalewski, C. K., Zampieri, C., Turtzo, L. C., Shahim, P., Chan, L., . . . Lai, C. (2024). Neuroimaging Findings in US Government Personnel and Their Family Members Involved in Anomalous Health Incidents. Jama, 331(13), 1122-1134.
  • Popescu, M., Popescu, E. A., DeGraba, T. J., & Hughes, J. D. (2024). Altered long-range functional connectivity in PTSD: Role of the infraslow oscillations of cortical activity amplitude envelopes. Clin Neurophysiol, 163, 22-36.
  • Quatieri, T. F., Wang, J., Williamson, J. R., DeLaura, R., Talkar, T., Solomon, N. P., Kuchinsky, S. E., Eitel, M., Brickell, T., Lippa, S., Heaton, K. J., Brungart, D. S., French, L., Lange, R., Palmer, J., & Reynolds, H. (2024). An Emotion-Driven Vocal Biomarker-Based PTSD Screening Tool. IEEE Open J Eng Med Biol, 5, 621-626.
  • Shahim, P., Pham, D. L., van der Merwe, A. J., Moore, B., Chou, Y. Y., Lippa, S. M., Kenney, K., Diaz-Arrastia, R., & Chan, L. (2024). Serum NfL and GFAP as biomarkers of progressive neurodegeneration in TBI. Alzheimers Dement, 20(7), 4663-4676.
  • Talian, D. S., Eitel, M. M., Zion, D. J., Kuchinsky, S. E., French, L. M., Brickell, T. A., Lippa, S. M., Lange, R. T., & Brungart, D. S. (2024). Normative Ranges for Oculomotor and Reaction Time Tests in U.S. Military Service Members and Veterans. J Am Acad Audiol.












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