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About the Library: Michele Mason-Coles, MLS

Profile of Darnall Medical Library Staff at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center

Michele Mason-Coles

Michele Mason-Coles, MLS

Clinical Librarian

(301) 295-2325

Federal Librarian of the Year

Congratulations to Michele Mason-Coles,
Federal Librarian of the Year FY18!

Federal Librarian of the Year is awarded by FEDLINK / Library of Congress

Michele Mason-Coles, MLS


Michele Mason-Coles came to Darnall Medical Library as a Clinical Librarian in 2015.  She serves as the liaison to the Department of Pediatrics, including the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.  In this role, she participates in ward rounds, conducts real-time searches of the medical literature to inform patient care, participates in clinically relevant forums, including journal club, morning report.

Ms. Mason-Coles is an Assistant Professor of Pediatrics and provides guidance and offers instruction on evidence-based practice, database use, searching the medical literature, and citation management to clinicians and trainees; She also provides literature search and database instruction for nursing, and all WRNMMC staff upon request.

Ms. Mason-Coles worked to create the library's Patient Health Education Portal, serves as an instructor in the Leadership Academy, and serves as an instructor in TeamSTEPPS. 

Background and Education

Prior to her career at WRNMMC, Michele Mason-Coles served as the Reference Services Coordinator of the Headquarters and Chemical Library at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) from 2013 - 2015. Prior to this, she completed the Associate Fellowship Program at the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health from 2011-2013.  The second year of this fellowship was spent as at Inova Fairfax Hospital piloting a sustainable clinical rounding program in Pediatrics, as well as piloting a health information service for the hospitalized elderly population.

Ms. Mason-Coles spent the first half of her career as a Patient Advocate at New York University Medical Center as well as Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC) NY, NY.  She also served as a Cancer Information Specialist at MSKCC. She holds a Master of Library Science (MLS) from St. John’s University, Queens, NY., and a Bachelor of Science in Community Health Education - Hunter College, City University of New York, NY.  She also holds a Consumer Health Information Specialization (CHIS) from the Medical Library Association. 

  • Arbinger Institute, The Outward Mindset, Bethesda, MD 2023
  • Critical Appraisal Institute for Librarians, New York Medical College, Valhalla, NY, 2022
  • TeamSTEPPS Trainer, Bethesda, MD, 2022
  • Lean Six Sigma A3 Yellow Belt, Bethesda, MD, 2021
  • Research Training Institute (RTI), Medical Library Association, 2020
  • Teacher Immersion Program, Association of College & Research Libraries, Burlington, VT, 2017
  • Teaching and Leading EBM: A Workshop for Educators and Champions of Evidence-Based Medicine, Duke University School of Medicine, Durham, NC, 2016
  • Systematic Review Workshop: the Nuts and Bolts for Librarians, Pittsburgh, PA, 2013
  • Supporting Clinical Care: An Institute in Evidence-Based Practice for Medical Librarians, University of Calgary, CN, 2012
How I can help

Feel free to contact me with your clinical questions, patient care topics, or literature search topics.  We can meet for a 1:1 consultation or schedule a group session at your office location, the library, or other convenient WR meeting spaces. I am happy to provide instruction on searching the literature, database use, managing citations, your project and other library related topics.

I have a special interest in patient health education and can guide staff and patients in using the patient health education resources that are available including our homegrown Patient Health Education Portal!

Awards, Posters, Presentations, & Publications


Presentation: Medial Resources for Non-Medical Librarians, Military Librarians Training Workshop, 2021

Presentation: Clinical Librarianship for VA Librarians, 2017 and 2021

Poster: Medical Library Association; Pivoting Clinical Librarian Integration in the Wake of The Pandemic. Washington D.C., 2021

Award: ACE (A Culture of Excellence) Award, Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, 2020

Award: Federal Librarian of the Year FY18, FEDLINK, Library of Congress, 2019

Presentation: Medical Library Association; Health Information Service to Older Adults at the Bedside Seattle, WA, 2013 

Presentation: St. John’s University DLIS colloquium; Health Sciences Librarianship, 2013

Darnall Medical Library | Walter Reed NMMC | Building 1, Room 3458 | 8955 Wood Road | Bethesda, MD 20889 | 301-295-1184/85 | Open Monday-Friday, 0700-1700

After-hours access to the library is available to WRNMMC Staff via the CDO at 301-295-4611.