Dr. Tmanova, research librarian & informationist leads the Research & Education Advisory, DML Systematic Review Collaboration, Literature Review, Research Quality, and Education Excellence initiatives.
Dr. Tmanova also leads the Science Information Advisory.
Subject-specialty guides
Information Liaison:
Dr. Tmanova is a multilingual scientist with the subject-specific expertise in pathobiology, molecular biology, microbiology, bioinformatics, veterinary medicine, food science, information sciences, information technology, and information technology education. After accepting position of Research Librarian at Darnall Medical Library in 2015, Dr. Tmanova developed the Scientific Communication Initiative to accelerate scientific discovery and enhance scientific communication in biomedical research and military medicine. Dr. Tmanova coordinates the Systematic Review service, Scientific Communication Initiative, leads the Research Quality and Educational Excellence Initiatives. She teaches scientific communication lectures to WRNMMC GME residents.
Dr. Tmanova provides guidance to WRNMMC researchers and trainees in conducting research, research management plans for DoD grants, scientific writing, systematic reviews, meta-analyses, research articles, literature reviews, information analysis, synthesis, and management of published literature, and scientific communication.
Dr. Tmanova initiated a Research Quality Analysis service and consultation for the development of scientific research, enhancement of education, and healthcare. The Research Quality Analysis service is comprised of Scientific Analysis and Research Quality Analysis. The Scientific Analysis accelerates scientific discovery in health care. Research Quality Analysis helps to determine the research impact and value of research and education for fostering the research, collaboration, and mentorship development in GME. Dr. Tmanova conducts the analysis of academic publication to understand the academic and scientific development, scientific influence, research impact of a scholar’s research, and the development of the scientific research and policy.
Dr. Tmanova serves as a research librarian to the US Army BBF graduate program and teaches scientific communication lectures to MS graduate students. Dr. Tmanova serves as information specialist to the Radiology Department and graduate medical education program in Radiology, collaborative research, and educational partnership to transform military medical education. Dr. Tmanova is Assistant Professor of Radiology and Radiological Sciences and provides guidance with lectures on analysis of the research information ecosystem to integrate innovative research information into radiology to accelerate research in radiological sciences. She pilots the Educational Initiative for the Radiology Department providing information guidance and consultation to Diagnostic Radiology professors on educational research, curriculum and course design, and instructional information technology to catalyze medical education in diagnostic radiology and transform the military medical education. She attends the research meetings and journal club.
Dr. Tmanova also teaches information lectures and didactic lectures in GME curriculum for WRNMMC GME residents, clinicians, US Army BBF graduate students, and USUHS medical students.
Dr. Tmanova served as co-instructor, Weill Cornell Medicine, Cornell University and taught following lectures:
Information Sciences, Library Science, Information Technology (IT), IT Education, Biological Sciences (Microbiology, Pathobiology, Molecular Biology, Food Science, Veterinary Medicine).
Earlier Dr. Tmanova served as Informationist, Assistant Professor at the S. J. Wood Library & C. V. Starr Biomedical Information Center, Weill Cornell Medical College, Cornell University. She provided research support to multiple scientific communities including the Clinical and Translational Science Center, the Center of Healthcare Informatics and Policy, the Department of Medicine, Department of Genetic Medicine, and Department of Health Policy and Research. Dr. Tmanova attended clinical morning reports and assisted medical residents, and clinicians in literature searching by applying principles of evidence-based medicine. She also attended research laboratory meetings and assisted researchers with gathering information for research studies. Dr Tmanova served on the CHIP Training and Planning Committee, Center of Healthcare Informatics and Policy, Weil Cornell Medicine. Dr. Tmanova was 2016 Poster Competition Judge at Medical Research Day at Weill Cornell Medicine. Dr. Tmanova served on Weill Cornell Medical College Institutional Review Board as IRB protocol reviewer.
She served as co-instructor of the graduate course Research Project in Health Informatics and Information Skills for the MS in Health Informatics and Clinical Epidemiology and Health Services Research, Weill Cornell Graduate Medical School. She also served as guest lecturer and invited lecturer to the MS programs in Clinical and Translational Investigation, Clinical Epidemiology and Health Services Research, and the MD program at Weill Cornell Medicine, Cornell University and the MS program in Epidemiology at Rockefeller University.
Dr. Tmanova served as convener of Medical Library Association (MLA) Translational Sciences Collaboration SIG, 2014-2017, MLA Medical Informatics section moderator, 2014 MLA, and MLA Medical Informatics abstract reviewer, 2014 MLA. Dr. Tmanova was librarian selector (epidemiology) for Doody Enterprise, Inc. Dr. Tmanova also served on Discovery Day Planning Committe, and Open House News and Microforms Library Planning Committee at the Pennsylvania State University Libraries, The Pennsylvania State University. Also, Dr. Tmanova served as analyst at Health and Psychosocial Instrument, Behavioral Measurement Database Services.
During the internship at Office of International Programs, College of Agricultural Sciences, The Pennsylvania State University Dr. Tmanova assisted in establishing cooperation and collaboration partnership between the Pennsylvania State University and universities of Estonia, Lithuania, and Ukraine in areas of agricultural sciences. Dr. Tmanova co-taught AG UKR 197, developed and taught Ukrainian language course for study abroad program students of Food Science Department, The Pennsylvania State University. Dr. Tmanova assisted with the development of logistic programs for international faculty exchange and study abroad programs, served as Ukrainian and Russian language interpreter during business meetings, and volunteered in promotion of international programs in USA.
Dr. Tmanova has a vast research and laboratory experience in biotechnology, microbiology, pathobiology, food science, and molecular biology. Dr. Tmanova served as Teaching Assistant (TA) for senior level course in science and technology of dairy foods course (FD SC 414) and Food Science Department, The Pennsylvania State University short courses: Cultures Dairy Products, Ice Cream 101 – Introduction to frozen desserts, and Ice Cream (first educational continuing education course in USA on the science and technology of ice cream attended by USA and international students) for ice cream companies. Dr. Tmanova served as TA for sensory evaluation and computer-based formulation for the cultured dairy products, frozen yogurt, and ice cream. Dr. Tmanova also developed a soft-brine type of cheese for independent entrepreneurs in mountain areas of Carpathian Mountains.
Dr. Tmanova developed diagnostic assays for direct and rapid detection of pathogenic bacteria. Dr. Tmanova research in probiotics provided a practical insight into the identification of probiotic microorganisms ensuring the credibility of probiotic bacteria and their use in probiotic-containing and pharmaceutical preparations. In addition, she performed analysis of food policies, trends, laws, and regulations in European Union countries, and has written GAINS reports for the US Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service.
Grant writing workshop: Suggestion for writing a grant. Craftsmanship tips. The Pennsylvania State University. 2005
PhD student, Information Technology, Information Technology Education, Capella University, MN
MLIS in Library and Information Sciences, University of Pittsburgh, PA
MS in Food Science, The Pennsylvania State University, PA
MS in Pathobiology, The Pennsylvania State University, PA
DVM, Doctor Veterinary Medicine, Ukraine
Dr. Tmanova coordinates the DML Systematic Review service to help researchers with conducting analysis and synthesis of literature to enhance the clinical care. Dr. Tmanova provides guidance on conducting a systematic review, and writing a high quality systematic review.
Dr. Tmanova can help with the development of research skills in conducting research, research data management, scientific writing (academic article, literature review, systematic review), scientific communication, and research ethics in GME residency, the clinicians, and researchers.
Dr. Tmanova can conduct an analysis of multidisciplinary published literature for the scientific discovery, research hypothesis development for research study and grant protocol development, information gathering, processing and management, and information synthesis to enhance scientific inquiry and accelerate scientific discoveries.
Dr. Tmanova can conduct the research quality analysis of academic publication to understand the academic development, scientific influence, research impact of scholar’s research, and development of scientific research and policy.
Dr. Tmanova can conduct analysis of written research data management plan for DoD grant and design the research data management plan for DoD grant by providing guidance on data intellectual property rights, research data ethics and policies, policies on research-driven data sharing data law, and management of research data.
Dr. Tmanova can conduct the educational program analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation of learning to identify the learning gap in learners and develop learning solutions to enhance education.
Dr. Tmanova can develop educational course on ethical conduction of research, and research ethics in medicine and research.
Peer-reviewed articles:
Adelman, R. D., Tmanova, L., Delgado, D., Dion, S., & Lachs, M. S. (2014). Caregiver burden: a clinical review. JAMA, 311(10), 1052-1060.
Gevorgyan, A., Tmanova, L., & Roberts, R. (2007). Effect of cold adaptation on cryotolerance of two strains of bifidobacteria. Journal of Agrobiology and Ecology 3:60-75. Journal of Agrobiology and Ecology, 3, 60-75.
Moawad, F. J., Molina-Infante, J., Lucendo, A. J., Cantrell, S. E., Tmanova, L., & Douglas, K. M. (2017). Systematic review with meta-analysis: endoscopic dilation is highly effective and safe in children and adults with eosinophilic oesophagitis. Aliment Pharmacol Ther, 46(2), 96-105.
Richardson, J. E., Bouquin, D. R., Tmanova, L., & Wright, D. (2015). Information and informatics literacies of first-year medical students. J Med Libr Assoc, 103(4), 198-202.
Shen, N. T., Maw, A., Tmanova, L., Pino, A., Ancy, K., Crawford, C. V., Simon, M. S., & Evans, A. T. (2017). Timely Use of Probiotics in Hospitalized Adults Prevents Clostridium difficile Infection: A Systematic Review With Meta-Regression Analysis. Gastroenterology, 152(8), 1889-1900.e1889.
Tmanova, L., Ancker, J., & Johnson, S. (2015). Integration an Informationist into graduate education: Case study with preliminary results. Medical Reference Services Quaterly, 34(3), 296-310.
Tmanova, L., Onyenwoke, A., & Roberts, R. F. (2012). Short communication: Identification and differentiation of bifidobacteria obtained from Ukraine. J Dairy Sci, 95(1), 91-97.
Williams, L., Tmanova, L., Mydlarz, W. K., Page, B., Richmon, J. D., Quon, H., & Schmitt, N. C. (2018). Radiation-Associated Sarcoma of the Neck: Case Series and Systematic Review. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol, 127(10), 735-740.
Charalel, R. A., Sung, J., Askin, G., Jo, J., Mitry, M., Chung, C., Tmanova, L., & Madoff, D. C. (2021). Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses of Portal Vein Embolization, Associated Liver Partition and Portal Vein Ligation, and Radiation Lobectomy Outcomes in Hepatocellular Carcinoma Patients. Current oncology reports, 23(11), 1-10.
Tmanova, L. (2024). A Scientific Communication Initiative at a Medical Military Library. Journal of New Librarianship, 9(1), 132–163. https://doi.org/10.33011/newlibs/15/15
Tmanova, L. (2024). Systematic Review Collaboration and Data Governance in a Medical Library. Practical Academic Librarianship: The International Journal of the SLA Academic Division, 14(2), 68-97.
Research Studies:
Research curriculum in Radiology. The objective of this study is the development of educational curriculum to improve the research proficiency and scholarly productivity in radiology residents and fellows. Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, Darnall Medical Library & Department of Radiology. (PI, L. Tmanova).
Personal librarian – an instructor, consultant, and information resources mentor. This study determined an effect of early (first semester) and continued exposure of course-integrated library instructions, comprehensive reference sessions, individual consultations, structured research support, and a librarian-faculty educational partnership on the development of a solid foundation of knowledge and familiarity with health informatics resources, information literacy, course performance and the development of research skills in graduate students enrolled in the Research Project in Health Informatics course. Weill Cornell Medicine, Samuel J Wood & C.V. Biomedical Information Center. (PI, L. Tmanova).
Library: A bridge connecting biomedical science, education, clinical practice, and community. This study developed a model of research support to clinical and translational scientist and establishment of guidelines for collaborative research partnership among basic science researchers, clinicians, and community members. Weill Cornell Medicine, Samuel J Wood & C.V. Biomedical Information Center. (PI, L. Tmanova).
The effect of Internet access on usage patterns for government information in scholarly scientific publications. The objective of this study was to determine a frequency and pattern of use of government information in core journals of medicine and health sciences using citation analysis. The Pennsylvania University Libraries. (RA, L. Tmanova).
Peer-reviewed posters:
Richardson, J., Brown-Epstein, H.-A., Delgado, D., Tmanova, L., Wright, D., & Merlo, D. (2014). Surveying Information and Informatics Literacy of First-Year Medical Students. Paper presented at the Annual Medical Library Association, Chicago, IL.
Shen, Nicole T., Tmanova, L., Alejandro Pino, Kayley M. Ancy, Matthew S. Simon, Carl V. Crawford, Brian P. Bosworth, and Anna M. Maw. "The use of probiotics for the prevention of Clostridium difficile infection (CDI) in hospitalized adults receiving antibiotics: A systematic review and meta-analysis." Gastroenterology 150, no. 4 (2016): S134
Smith, A., Ghraib, M., Tmanova, L., Jamal, N., & Orestes, M. (2017). Vocal Fold Medialization in Dysphagia - Systematic Review. Paper presented at the American Academy of Otolaryncology-Head and Neck Surgery (AAO-HNSF) Annual Meeting & OTO Experience, Chicago, IL.
Tmanova, L. (2014). Personal Librarian: An Instructor, Consultant, and Information Resources Mentor. Paper presented at the Annual Medical Library Association Chicago, IL.
Tmanova, L., Albert, P., & Wright, D. (2014). Library: A bridge connecting biomedical science, education, clinical practice, and community. Paper presented at the Annual Medical Library Association Chicago, IL.
Tmanova, L., & Sheehy, H. (2013). The effect of Internet acces on usage for government information in scholarly scientific publication: Preliminary findings. Paper presented at the The Mid-Atlantic Chapter Annual Meeting of the Medical Library Association (MAC-MLA), Pittsburgh, PA.
Tmanova, L., Onyenwoke A, Roberts RF. Identification, characterization, and differentiation of bifidobacteria obtained from Ukraine. Denver, CO: Joint Annual Meeting of American Dairy Association; 2010
Williams, L., Schmitt, N., Mydlarz, W., Page, B., Richmon, J., Tmanova, L., Quon, H. 2017. Systematic review of radiation-induced soft tissue sarcoma of the neck: a comparison of interventions and the effect on prognosis. San-Diego, CA. Combined Otolaryngology Spring Meetings.
Tmanova L, Healy BD, Figurska J, Rucinski P, Henney M. Lithuania. Food and Agricultural Import Regulations and Standards - Narrative. FAIRS Country Report. USDA Foreign Agricultural Service. GAINS RN: LH13032013
Tmanova L, Figurska J, Rucinski P, Henney M. Lithuania. Food and Agricultural Import Regulations and Standards - Certification. FAIRS Export Certificate Report. USDA Foreign Agricultural Service GAINS RN: LH1106. 2012
Tmanova L, Figurska J, Rucinski P, Henney M. Lithuania. Food and Agricultural Import Regulations and Standards - Narrative. FAIRS Country Report. USDA Foreign Agricultural Service. GAINS RN: LH12032012
Tmanova, L. Research Initiative. GMEC, Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, Bethesda, MD, 2019
Tmanova, L. “Publish do not Perish” Moderator. Walter Reed National Military Medical Center Grand Rounds, Bethesda, MD, 2016
Tmanova, L. Biomedical Research & Scholarly Communication. GMEC, Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, Bethesda, MD, 2016
Tmanova, L. Darnall Medical Library Biomedical Research & Scholarly Communication Support, Systematic Review Collaboration, & SciENcv. National Intrepid Center of Excellence (NICoE). Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, December 2015
Tmanova, L. NIH and AHRQ’s Transition to the New Biosketch Format: Tips and Tools for the WMC Research Community. Department of Genetic Medicine, Weill Cornell Medicine, NY, NY, April 2015
Tmanova L. BLAST (Basic Local Alignment Sequence Tool), 2nd Annual SMARTFest, Information Technologies & Services, Weill Cornell Medicine, NY, NY, January 2015
Tmanova, L. Bibliographic Management: EndNote. Department of Genetics, Weill Cornell Medicine, NY, NY, December 2014
Tmanova, L. Introduction to EndNote and Literature Searching Strategies. Primary Care Internal Medicine Residency Program, Weill Cornell Medicine, NY, NY, April, 2014
Tmanova L. Library and Science Mobile Applications in Research. 1st Annual SMARTFest, Information Technologies & Services, Weill Cornell Medicine, NY, NY, March 2014
Tmanova, L. & P. ALbert. S.J. Wood Library and C.V. Starr Biomedical Information Center, Weill Cornell Medicine, NY, NY, May 2013
Tmanova, L. Biomedical Literature Searching. Clinical and Translational Science Center, Weill Cornell Medicine, NY, NY, May 2013
Tmanova, L. Food for life – history, science, and hands-on experience in the process of yogurt making. The Pennsylvania State University Libraries, University Park, PA, 2010
Tmanova, L. Characterization of bifidobacterial strains obtained from Ukraine. Food Science Department, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, 2010
Tmanova, L. Optimization and Evaluation of PCR Assay(s) for detection of contagious pathogens. Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences Department. The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, 2003
Library Guides:
Tmanova, L. 2021. Research Quality. This guide lists information resources on scholarly publication metrics, research quality methodology, and research quality analysis. https://wrnmmc.libguides.com/sci_quality/sci
Tmanova, L. 2020. Systematic Review. This library guide contains information resources on conducting systematic review and collaborating with librarians on conducting a systematic review. https://wrnmmc.libguides.com/rev/collab_initiative
Tmanova, L. 2020. Science Initiatives - Academic and Medical Research. This library guide provides a listing of information resources in ethics of academic and medical research, literature informatics, scientific writing, and publication. https://wrnmmc.libguides.com/sci_initiative/home
Tmanova, L. 2020. SARS-CoV-2 Epidemiology. This library guide provides a list of information resources on SARS-CoV-2 published in journals, associations, the National Library of Medicine, search engines, guidelines, datasets, clinical trials, and global science leading agencies and associations. https://wrnmmc.libguides.com/home/epiSARS
Tmanova, L. 2020. Ethics in Medicine and Research. This library guide provides a listing of information resources on ethics in science, research, and healthcare. https://wrnmmc.libguides.com/ethics_med/ethics
Tmanova, L. 2019. Scientific Communication Initiative. This library guide provides a listing of information resources on ethical conduction of research, data management, scientific writing and communication, literature analysis and synthesis, and research quality analysis. https://wrnmmc.libguides.com/home/researchinitiative
Tmanova, L. 2015. Biomedical Research and Scholarly Communication. This library guide provides a key information resources on conducting research and scholarly communication. https://wrnmmc.libguides.com/home/researchsupport
Tmanova, L & D. Wright. Community health research. 2014. This library guide provides information on conducting research, IRB, community-based research, and clinical trials. http://med.cornell.libguides.com/communityhealth
Tmanova, L. Bioinformatics. 2013. This library provides listing of key bioinformatics databases, analytical tools, protocols, and library resources. http://med.cornell.libguides.com/bioinformatics
Tmanova, L. Translational medical research. 2013. This library guide contains translational medical research development and comparative-effectiveness research (CER) resources, biomedical research data, manuscript writing guidelines and standards, bibliographical management tools, academic portfolio, scientific collaboration and library resources. http://med.cornell.libguides.com/translationalmedresearch
Tmanova, L. Molecular biology and genetics in clinical and translational medical research. 2013. This library guide contains educational resources in molecular biology and genetics. http://med.cornell.libguides.com/molecularbiol
Tmanova, L. Health Informatics. 2013. This library provides listing of key healthcare informatics resources and statistical data sources. http://med.cornell.libguides.com/healthcareinformatics
2022 Research Advancement in Health Sciences Librarianship Award. Darnall Medical Library, Medical Library Association (contributed to the research advancement by designing the Scientific Initiative at WRNMMC to support research, and serving as a research librarian to enhance research readiness)
Civilian Achievement Award. Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, Bethesda, MD, 2021
Letter of Appreciation as Distinguished Reviewer and Judge. 8th Annual Research Capital Region Research Completion. Walter Reed National Military Medical Center. Bethesda, MD. 2016.
National Library of Medicine “Librarians Guide to NCBI” Course. National Library of Medicine, National Center of Biotechnology Information (NCBI), National Library of Medicine Training Center (NTC). 2015.
Hospital Librarian Research Award, 2nd place poster, Surveying information and informatics literacy of first year medical students. 2014 Medical Library Association Annual Meeting. 2014.
National Library of Medicine Biomedical Informatics Course. National Library of Medicine and Robert B. Greenblatt, M.D. Library, Georgia Regent University. 2014.
Golden Harvest Award. Man and Sea. Eight Virtual Medical Complex Art Show. S.J. Wood Library & Starr Biomedical Information Center, Weill Cornell Medicine, Cornell University. 2013.
Medical Library Internship, Department of Veteran Affairs, VAHSP. 2012.
The NewsBank/Readex/GODORT/ALA Catherine J Reynolds Award. The Pennsylvania University Libraries. 2012.
Agricultural International Internship Program, USDA FAS, 2011.
Certificate of Recognition for service to the 2010 Libraries Discovery Day Planning Committee. The Pennsylvania University Libraries. 2010.
Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt, Certificate. Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, Bethesda, MD, 2017
Biomedical Research Investigation and Key Personnel. Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative, University of Miami, 2014 - present
Research Integrity. Certificate. Center for Continuing Education Health Science, University of Pittsburgh, 2012
Human Subjects Research in Biomedical Sciences. Certificate. Center for Continuing Education Health Science, University of Pittsburgh
Conflict of Interest. Certificate. Center for Continuing Education Health Science, University of Pittsburgh, 2012
Responsible Literature Searching. Certificate. Center for Continuing Education Health Science, University of Pittsburgh, 2012
Hazard Access Control Critical Points (HACCP). Certificate. International HACCP Alliance Certificate. Food Science Department, The Pennsylvania State University, 2011
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, Ukraine (license active)
Darnall Medical Library | Walter Reed NMMC | Building 1, Room 3458 | 8955 Wood Road | Bethesda, MD 20889 | 301-295-1184/85 | Open Monday-Friday, 0700-1700
After-hours access to the library is available to WRNMMC Staff via the CDO at 301-295-4611.