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Academic Research: Scientific Writing

Academic Research

The Scientific Writing library guide lists starting information to enhance scientific writing, publication, and professional speaking.
Note. Additional resources are at the designing phase. 

 Scientific Communication

Enhance scientific communication through an effective scientific writing, publication, and professional speaking.

Guide for the exploration of multidisciplinary literature, information analysis, critical appraisal, and scientific writing to enhance the scientific publication.  



Dr. Tmanova, MLIS, MS, DVM
Informationist, Darnall Medical Library
Assistant Professor in Radiology and Radiological Sciences

F. Edward Hébert School of Medicine


The Scientific Communication is a pilot initiative designed to enhance the scientific writing processes by transforming the information-seeking behavior to establish and maintain the quality of scientific literature analysis and writing, aiming to improve the scientific publication.

The scientific writing advisory adds information quality value to written academic works to improve academic  publication through following:

  • scientific and evidence-based information interventions for:
  • Scientific Publication: original manuscript, literature review articles, systematic review/meta-analysis, case reports
  • Scientific Speaking: abstracts, posters, presentations
  • information guidance using the scientist-centered approach and flexible information model
  • integration of Information Expert help across the scientific writing process
  • design a scientist-centered information framework for a structured information help for collaborators
  • information guidance on quality and ethics of scientific publication
  • guidance on publication metric and discoverability of scientific publications

At this phase of the initiative, the consultation and lectures on scientific writing are offered.

 If you have questions about the Scientific Communication initiative and need guidance on scientific publication, please contact Dr. Tmanova


A scientific writing consultation is offered to post-graduate trainees on an academic writing, copyright and intellectual property rights, journal submission selection, research integrity, Open Access Publication, detection of predatory journals, and ethics of publication. 

Literature Review 

The scope of literature search consultation is:

  • selecting and developing topic
  • hypothesis-driven analysis of literature for studies 
  • selecting literature resources
  • designing literature search strategy 
  • conducting literature analysis & synthesis
  • managing citation
  • writing a literature review draft

Scientific Writing

The scope of the consultation is:

  • Literature analysis and synthesis
  • Academic article structure (Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion)
  • Writing title
  • Writing abstract
  • Selecting keywords
  • Article drafting
  • Analysis of scientific implication and logical reasoning

Scholarly Publication 
The scope of Scholarly Publication consultation is:

  • authorship guidelines and standards
  • research integrity 
  • Open Access
  • publication repositories 
  • military publication guidelines 
  • Copyright and Intellectual Property
  • Research Impact
  • article publication process (guidelines and standards, journal analysis, and journal selection)  
    Scientific Writing Lectures


  • Ethics in Academic Writing and Publication

This lecture introduces the standards and guidelines of ethical writing, research theft and predatory publishing, plagiarism, research integrity in writing and communicating research and research data, copyright and intellectual property rights, research integrity, and research forensics used to detect plagiarism. 

  • Scientific Writing: Academic Article 

This lecture introduces the writing of an academic article, submission, and review, authorship guidelines, copyright and intellectual property rights, research integrity, and ethics of publication.

  • Literature Review 

This lecture introduces principles and methodology for conducting a literature review, analyzing literature, planning literature review, research development, literature analysis and synthesis, and writing a literature review draft.


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