A literature review is an analysis of published literature on relevant topics for a comprehensive summary of studied research through research description, analysis of main ideas, identification and discussion of gaps in the field, evaluation of research contribution to a studied topic, and to develop future research.
"...breadth and depth, rigor and consistency, clarity and brevity, and effective analysis and synthesis."
Hart, C. 1998. Doing a literature review: Releasing the social science research imagination. London, UK: Sage Publications.
Graph by Dr. Tmanova
Plan | develop study concepts, theories, study design, research questions, hypothesis, and identify study methodology |
Conduct | design literature search, identify literature search resources, evaluate literature search resources, conduct the literature search; evaluate, analyze, and synthesize selected literature |
Verify | selected literature and citation |
Publish | outline the literature analysis and synthesis, write an annotated literature review, write literature a review for study or study protocol |
♦ Note: research integrity and ethical principles are applied in conducting a literature search, analysis, and synthesis of the literature. Consider reviewing the foundation and principles of scientific research: research integrity, intellectual property, and copyright.
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