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Academic Research: Information Resources

Academic Research
 Literature Resources

DML Information Resources 

  • Literature Databases: 
    For an A-Z list of all of the library's databases, please go to the library's Databases page.
  • Journal Articles: 
    For a complete list of the library's print and electronic journals, please go to the library's Journals page.
  • Books: 
    For complete list of all of the library's print and electronic books, search the library's book catalog.

PubMed & NCBI

 Note: Training content is at the Self-Guide Learning. Also, schedule Consultation on finding associated resources. 

Contemporary Literature Search Engines 

An exponential publication of research studies resulted in accumulation of academic information challenging the discovery of research information from literature search databases, journals, and search engines. Traditional literature search engines are based on keywords and controlled vocabulary rather than on concepts and words meaning.

New generation literature search engines use Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), machine vision, semantic and textual analysis. These search engines use AI and semantic technologies to discover meaningful information for efficient access to knowledge in the heterogeneous informational environments. Semantic search engines use full-text indexing, smart filters, citation generation, exploration of the relevant concepts, creating search alerts, harvest articles in databases and the web, and ranking algorithms to understand the knowledge and information from abundant pools of literature. The Semantic Scholar is the search engines used for literature search in radiology, science, and medicine.

  • Semantic Scholar - AI-based literature search engine of peer-reviewed research in medicine, computer science, and other fields.
  • Semantic MedLine - used to identify conceptual network of research publications that is based on the semantic predication from PubMed search. 
  • Coremine - analyzes literature using relational networks of topics obtained through term clustering. 


Keep updated by developing your customized list of radiology articles using the BrowZine. Follow the BrowZine installation  instruction to download the BrowZine and use after authentication as Walter Reed National Military Medical Center affiliate. 
Note: Training content is at the Self-Guide Learning. Also, schedule Consultation on finding associated resources. 


Google Scholar, Books, Patents

Online access to library subscriptions is usually restricted to library affiliates. When searching Google search engine an option Locate@Darnall notifies that this resource is offered to only affiliates of the Darnall Medical Library, Walter Reed National Military Medical Center.


Government Scientific Sources - science searches over 60 databases and 2200 scientific websites


PubDefence - peer-reviewed scholarly publications funded by DoD and ODNI/IARPA

 Evidence Based Medicine (EBM) resources

Radiology Evidence-Based Resources (EBM) (selected)

  • Original research studies published in journals
    • PubMed
    • MEDLINE Ovid
    • EMBASE
    • Web of Science
    • MD Consult
  • Systematic reviews and syntheses
    • PubMed clinical queries, Cochrane collaboration
    • CINAHL (Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature)
    • NICE (National institute for clinical excellence)
    • SIGN (Scottish Intercollegiate Guidance Network
    • SUMSearch
    • NGC Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)
  • Synopses
    • American College of Physicians
    • British Medical Journal
    • Clinical Evidence
    • Evidence-Based Medicine Online
    • TRIP (Turning Research into Practice)
    • Dynamed
    • Physician Information and Education Resources (PIER)
    • UpToDate
  • Computerized clinical decision support systems, computerized provider order entry
    • Center for Evidence Based Radiology at the Brigham and Women's hospital
    • Massachusetts General Hospital
    • BestBET's
    • CAT crawler 
  • Radiological Electronic Resources
    • Radiology Net 

Note: The library guide is supplementary to journal club meetings at the Radiology and Radiological Sciences department.  

 Radiological Images

Databases and Repositories 

Data Sets

Published Articles 

 Literature Search & Information Management Applications


  • PubMed on Tap - conduct a search in PubMed and PubMed Central and gather reference information 
  • Docphin - medical literature aggregator 
  • iAnnotate - subscription-based application to read, annotate, and share documents, articles, and web pages
  • EndNote for iPad - free application to search, create a citation, and share libraries. 
  • LabArchives for IPad - free application and companion of LabArchives Notebooks web application to manage files and documents

For more books and journals, browse DML Book Catalog and DML A-Z Journal Catalog, and DML Database Catalog. Schedule Consultation on finding associated sources. 


Disclaimer: The appearance of hyperlinks does not constitute endorsement by the Department of Defense, Defense Health Agency of non-U.S. Government sites or the information, products, or services contained therein. Although the Darnall Medical Library, WRNMMC may or may not use these sites as additional distribution channels for Department of Defense information, it does not exercise editorial control over all of the information that you may find at these locations. Such hyperlinks are provided consistent with the stated purpose of this website.

Darnall Medical Library | Walter Reed NMMC | Building 1, Room 3458 | 8955 Wood Road | Bethesda, MD 20889 | 301-295-1184/85 | Open Monday-Friday, 0700-1700

After-hours access to the library is available to WRNMMC Staff via the CDO at 301-295-4611.