Research Information lectures are offered to WRNMMC researchers and residents. Dr. Tmanova can conduct the educational program analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation of learning programs to identify the learning gap in WRNMMC post-graduate trainees and develop learning solutions to enhance information literacy and academic research education.
If you have questions about the development of educational program, educational curriculum, and scientific communication lectures, please contact research librarian, Dr. Tmanova.
Library Lecture
Registration at the Darnall Medical Library (DML) Course Calendar
Introduction to Systematic Review
This lecture introduces the purpose, structure, components, process of a systematic review, systematic review standards, and guidelines for conducting a systematic review. Systematic review management methods, approaches, and tools are also discussed. The Darnall Medical Library collaborative initiative in conducting a systematic review and value of clinician-librarian research collaboration is introduced. Attendees will understand the systematic review process, requirements, standards, and guidelines.
Introduction to Literature Review
This lecture introduces the principles and methodology of literature review for writing an academic review article. Study topics, problem, research question, and research literature are main topics of the lecture. Information resources, research methodologies, and approaches will be introduced for the development of a review article (rapid, scoping, systematic review, critical, and state-of-art review). Students will engage in a literature review project to enhance their skills in the review development, literature synthesis, and academic writing.
Citation Management
This lecture introduces the principles of citing information resources in scholarly articles. Fundamentals of citation management and the use of citation management applications during the research process and scientific writing will be discussed. Citation management principles and processes are discussed during gathering, classifying, storing, and processing citations to design individual citation libraries. This lecture emphasizes the prominence of the citation cycle and offers guidance on how to lessen citation issues and effectively disambiguate authors. This lecture concentrates on various citation management software predominantly on EndNote. Attendees will learn how to create an EndNote citation library, collect citations from various information resources (e.g., biomedical literature databases, search engines, legal databases, and etc.), classify citations, generate and style citations in text, bibliographies, share and connect library with collaborators, and write and cite with EndNote. Attendees will develop proficiency in citing various information sources, using EndNote for citation management, and managing a large volume of literature citations by applying an effective citation management strategies.
Academic & Medical Writing
This lecture accompanied by two projects on academic and medical writing is designed for clinicians and residents publishing research findings in scholarly journals. The lecture introduces the fundamentals of academic and medical writing, particularly writing research and case study articles. The literate search, analysis, and synthesis will be introduced. This lecture will discuss planning, writing, and submitting a manuscript for publication in academic journals. Two writing projects will be introduced to enhance learner skills on writing research and medical articles: abstract, introduction, material and methods, results, and discussion. Students will enhance their academic writing skills by developing proficiency in literature search, critical appraisal, and synthesis.
Introduction to Ethics of Academic Writing and Publication
This lecture introduces the standards and guidelines of ethical writing, research theft and predatory publishing, plagiarism, research integrity in writing and communicating research and research data, copyright and intellectual property rights, research integrity, and research forensics used for the detection of plagiarism.
Inclusive Learning Community
To enhance our inclusive learning community we are constantly looking to improving teaching and learning experience.
The lecture evaluation is a voluntary survey. This information would help us to enhance the lecture content, update lectures, and promote graduate students and post-graduate trainees learning.
If you have questions and recommendations about the survey, please contact Dr. Tmanova.
Darnall Medical Library | Walter Reed NMMC | Building 1, Room 3458 | 8955 Wood Road | Bethesda, MD 20889 | 301-295-1184/85 | Open Monday-Friday, 0700-1700
After-hours access to the library is available to WRNMMC Staff via the CDO at 301-295-4611.