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Evidence Based Radiology : EBR Literature Search


This pilot guide lists information resources on a radiology and radiological sciences. 

Finding the Best Evidence Information

Think in an evidence-based way


  • Identify clinical problem
  • Address important searchable questions
  • Identify appropriate resources
  • Design search strategy
  • Conduct search
  • Analyze literature and assess the evidence
  • Apply 

Asking the Searchable Questions

Design searchable question using an evidence-based approach


P Patient, population  (e.g., patient, population)
I Intervention  (e.g., medical, radiology diagnostic, other)
C Comparison  (e.g., alternative, other)
O Outcome (e.g., clinical outcome)
T Time (e.g., follow-up time)

"5S" Pyramid of Evidence Resources

Graph by Dr. Tmanova. 

Based on the "5S" Pyramid of Evidence Resources from the Indiana University School of Medicine Libraries, the Dartmouth /Yale EBM Page Generator and Haynes RB, ACP J Club 2006;145(3):A8.

Identifying EBR Information Resources

Identify information resources using an evidence-based approach

Level 1. Original articles (studies).
  • PubMed
  • Web of Science
  • Cochrane Library
Level 2. Synthesis. 
  • PubMed
  • Web of Science
  • Cochrane Library
Level 3. Synopses. 
  • American College of Physicians Journal Club
  • British Medical Journal
  • Clinicals Evidence 
  • Evidence-Based Medicine Online
  • Physician Information and Education Resource 
  • UpTODate
  • Turning Research into Practice 
Level 4. Systems.
  • Center for Evidence Based Radiology at the Brigham and Women's Hospital 

DiCenso, A., Bayley, L., & Haynes, R. B. (2009). Accessing pre-appraised evidence: Fine-tuning the 5S model into a 6S model. Evidence - Based Nursing, 12(4), 99. doi:

EBR Search Inquiries and Studies Identification

Identify studies using an evidence-based approach

Question  Question Description  Study Design   
Therapy  the validity of the preventative or therapeutic effect, validity results (e.g., RCT), applicability for patient care. Also, to determine the effect of medical, surgical, or preventative interventions on patient-important outcomes (e.g., symptoms, function) RCT LHH, RRR, ARR, NNT, OR
Diagnosis the validity of the diagnostic study, the applicability of diagnostic test for patient care (sensitivity, specificity, precision, likelihood ration) prospective, blind controlled trial comparison to a gold standard  LR, OR
Prognosis the validity of the study results, the importance of the results, the applicability of results for patient care (determining the prognostic course) cohort study, case-control, case series, or case report  
Etiology/Harm the validity of harm study, the importance of the results, treatment course RCT, case-control, cohort studies  NNH, PEER

PubMed Searching

Additional information at the Literature Informatics Self-Guided Learning library guide. 

Planning a Literature Search

 Additional information on literature search at the Literature Informatics library guide 


Literature Search Design

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