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Evidence Based Radiology : Statistic Information & Education

This pilot guide lists information resources on a radiology and radiological sciences. 

DML Books

DML Books

Open Access Statistics Learning Resources

  • Statistical Thinking 21 - An open source textbook for statistics, with companions for R and Python. Russell Poldrack. Stanford University
  • Online Statistics Education: An Interactive Multimedia Course of Study - course and course resources on learning and teaching introductory statistics developed by Rice University, University of Houston Clear Lake, and Tufts University.
    Citation: Online Statistics Education: A Multimedia Course of Study ( Project Leader: David M. Lane, Rice University.

  • Concepts in Statistics - modules on statistics concepts in types of statistical studies and data producing, Summarizing Data Graphically and Numerically, Examining Relationships: Quantitative Data, Nonlinear Models, Relationships in Categorical Data with Intro to Probability, Probability and Probability Distributions, Linking Probability to Statistical Inference, Inference for One Proportion, Inference for Two Proportions, Inference for Means, and Chi-Square Tests. This is Lumen Learning resources by Lumen Candela. This courseware includes resources copyrighted and openly licensed by multiple individuals and organizations.
    Concepts in Statistics. Provided by: Open Learning Initiative. Located athttp://oli.cmu.eduLicenseCC BY: Attribution

  • Introductory Statistics -  course on the statistics. (Note: course is specific to majors in mathematics and engineering). Course consist of following chapters: sampling and data, descriptive statistics, probability topics, discrete random variables, continuous random variables, the normal distribution, central limit theorem, confidence interval, hypothesis testing with one sample, hypothesis testing with two samples, The Chi-Square Distribution, Linear Regression and Correlation, and F Distribution and One-Way ANOVA.
  • Statistical Software and the e-Handbook of Statistical Methods -  NIST/SEMATECH handbook of statistical methods. 
  • Handbook chapters - exploratory data analysis, measurement process characterization, production process characterization, process modeling, process improvement, process or product monitoring and control, product and process comparisons, and assessing product reliability. These resources are printer-friendly handbook files consolidated in chapters. 
    Citation: NIST/SEMATECH e-Handbook of Statistical Methods,, date.

Open Access Resources on the Statistics Analysis and Methods

  • Exploratory Data Analysis - chapter on assumptions, principles, and techniques for analysis of exploratory data.
  • Probability Distribution - information source on probability definition, distribution, functions, location and scale parameters, parameters of distribution, and other information on probability. 

Open Sources Statistics Software

 R and DataPlot statistical software

  • Statistical Software and the e-Handbook of Statistical Methods - Handbook on the NIST web pages is integrated with two statistical software packages R and Dataplot statistical software. These packages are free and downloadable. 
  • Handbook chapters - exploratory data analysis, measurement process characterization, production process characterization, process modeling, process improvement, process or product monitoring and control, product and process comparisons, and assessing product reliability. These resources are printer-friendly handbook files consolidated in chapters. 
    NIST/SEMATECH e-Handbook of Statistical Methods,, date.
  • DataPlot -  free public domain software system used for statistical analysis, non-linear modeling, and visualization. 

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