The goal of this library guide is to integrate the ethical principles of research conduction in graduate medical education program, curriculum, and didactical lectures. The information resources are intended to encourage the discussion on research ethics, research integrity, and researchers’ responsibility when conducting clinical research with human subjects, providing clinical care, and conducting a biomedical research.
If you have questions and need help with finding information on ethics in research, healthcare, and biomedical research, contact informationist, Dr. Tmanova, Ethics in Medicine & Research.
Dr. Tmanova, MLIS, MS, DVM
Informationist, Darnall Medical Library
Assistant Professor in Radiology and Radiological Sciences
F. Edward Hébert School of Medicine
The Challenges and Opportunities of Genomic Editing
"This presentation of "The Challenges and Opportunities of Genomic Editing: A Christian Perspective" was presented at The Center for Bioethics & Human Dignity's 2018 Academy of Fellows Consultation, "Genetics, CRISPR, and Beyond?" held on the Deerfield campus of Trinity International University on February 16, 2018. William B. Hurlbut, MD is a Physician and Consulting Professor in the Department of Neurobiology at Stanford University Medical Center. For more info, visit"
The Center for Bioethics & Human Dignity
Conversation in Bioethics. Kennedy Institute of Ethics, Georgetown University. These bioethical conversations explore topics in bioethics and inspire leadership for change.
Kennedy Institute of Ethics, Georgetown University
Conversation in Bioethics. Kennedy Institute of Ethics, Georgetown University. These bioethical conversations explore topics in bioethics and inspire leadership for change.
Kennedy Institute of Ethics, Georgetown University
Conversation in Bioethics. Kennedy Institute of Ethics, Georgetown University. These bioethical conversations explore topics in bioethics and inspire leadership for change.
Kennedy Institute of Ethics, Georgetown University
Conversation in Bioethics. Kennedy Institute of Ethics, Georgetown University. These bioethical conversations explore topics in bioethics and inspire leadership for change.
Kennedy Institute of Ethics, Georgetown University
Conversation in Bioethics. Kennedy Institute of Ethics, Georgetown University. These bioethical conversations explore topics in bioethics and inspire leadership for change.
Kennedy Institute of Ethics, Georgetown University
Conversation in Bioethics. Kennedy Institute of Ethics, Georgetown University. These bioethical conversations explore topics in bioethics and inspire leadership for change.
Kennedy Institute of Ethics, Georgetown University
Selected List of Published Articles on Ethics in Pediatrics
Adams, L., Suresh, G. K., & Lahey, T. (2016). Ethical Issues in Pediatric Global Health. Pediatr Clin North Am, 63(1), 195-208.
Barajas, M., & Ross, L. F. (2015). Pediatric Professionals' Attitudes about Secondary Findings in Genomic Sequencing of Children. J Pediatr, 166(5), 1276-1282.e1277.
Basu Roy, R., Brandt, N., Moodie, N., Motlagh, M., Rasanathan, K., Seddon, J. A., Detjen, A. K., & Kampmann, B. (2016). Why the Convention on the Rights of the Child must become a guiding framework for the realization of the rights of children affected by tuberculosis. BMC Int Health Hum Rights, 16(1), 32.
Bester, J. C. (2019). The Best Interest Standard Is the Best We Have: Why the Harm Principle and Constrained Parental Autonomy Cannot Replace the Best Interest Standard in Pediatric Ethics. J Clin Ethics, 30(3), 223-231.
Bibler, T. M., Galbraith, K. L., & Brothers, K. B. (2017). Ethics and Brain Death in Pediatrics: Recent Controversy and Practical Suggestions. J Pediatr Intensive Care, 6(4), 240-244.
Gillam, L., McDougall, R., & Delany, C. (2015). Making meaning from experience: a working typology for pediatrics ethics consultations. Am J Bioeth, 15(5), 24-26.
Goldhagen, J. (2016). Following the Yellow Brick Road: Next Steps in the Synthesis of Pediatric Bioethics and Child Rights. Perspect Biol Med, 58(3), 365-375.
Goldhagen, J., Mercer, R., Webb, E., Nathawad, R., Shenoda, S., & Lansdown, G. (2016). Toward a Child Rights Theory in Pediatric Bioethics. Perspect Biol Med, 58(3), 306-319.
Greenberg, R. A., Kim, C., Stolte, H., Hellmann, J., Shaul, R. Z., Valani, R., & Scolnik, D. (2016). Developing a bioethics curriculum for medical students from divergent geo-political regions. BMC Med Educ, 16, 193.
Guadarrama-Orozco, J. H., Cantu-Quintanilla, G. R., Avila-Montiel, D., Altamirano-Bustamante, M., Pelaez-Ballestas, I., Caballero-Velarde, C., Juarez-Villegas, L. E., Vega-Morell, N., Kelly-Garcia, J., Hoyos-Bermea, A., Dorantes-Acosta, E., Gamboa-Marrufo, J. D., Munoz-Hernandez, O., & Garduno-Espinosa, J. (2018). The horizon of medical attention in pediatrics: what to do in the case of children who are in abandonment, conflict, harm or danger situations in combination with a severe disease? Bol Med Hosp Infant Mex, 75(3), 166-177.
Johnson, L. M., Church, C. L., Metzger, M., & Baker, J. N. (2015). Ethics consultation in pediatrics: long-term experience from a pediatric oncology center. Am J Bioeth, 15(5), 3-17.
Lang, K. R., & Lew, C. D. (2016). Actions Speak Louder Than Words: The U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child and U.S. Pediatric Bioethicists. Perspect Biol Med, 58(3), 281-289.
Lantos, J. D., Saleem, S., Raza, F., Syltern, J., Khoo, E. J., Iyengar, A., Pais, P., Chinnappa, J., Lezama-Del Valle, P., & Kidszun, A. (2019). Clinical Ethics in Pediatrics: An International Perspective. J Clin Ethics, 30(1), 35-45.
MacPherson, P., & Emberley, J. (2017). Evaluating pediatrics residents' ethics learning needs using multisource interprofessional feedback. Can Med Educ J, 8(4), e86-e91.
McDougall, R. J., Gillam, L., Delany, C., & Jayasinghe, Y. (2018). Ethics of fertility preservation for prepubertal children: should clinicians offer procedures where efficacy is largely unproven? J Med Ethics, 44(1), 27-31.
Navin, M. C. (2017). The Ethics of Vaccination Nudges in Pediatric Practice. HEC Forum, 29(1), 43-57.
Pallotto, I., & Lantos, J. D. (2017). Treatment Decisions for Babies with Trisomy 13 and 18. HEC Forum, 29(3), 213-222.
Paris, J. J., & Hawkins, A. (2015). Ethics Consults in Pediatrics and Neonatology Are More Varied and Complex Than Those Reported at St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital. Am J Bioeth, 15(5), 29-30.
Pedro, W. (2015). Bioethics. Introduction. Semin Pediatr Neurol, 22(3), 157.
Petrini, C., Rana, I., & Alleva, E. (2016). Assent, consent and paediatric bioethics. Commentary. Ann Ist Super Sanita, 52(3), 317-319.
Polo Alvarez, A., Real Font, U., & Rojas Olguin, L. (2015). XV Conference on Ethics "Ethics Issues in Pediatrics". Rev Enferm, 38(5), 74.
The principle of autonomy in pediatrics under the new Civil and Commercial Code of the Nation: a communication of the Subcommittee on Clinical Ethics. (2016). Arch Argent Pediatr, 114(5), 485-488.
Ross, L. F. (2016). Theory and Practice of Pediatric Bioethics. Perspect Biol Med, 58(3), 267-280. doi:10.1353/pbm.2016.0008
Ross, L. F., & Swota, A. H. (2017). The Best Interest Standard: Same Name but Different Roles in Pediatric Bioethics and Child Rights Frameworks. Perspect Biol Med, 60(2), 186-197.
Salter, E. K. (2017). Introduction: Childhood and Disability. HEC Forum, 29(3), 191-196.
Santoro, J. D., & Bennett, M. (2018). Ethics of End of Life Decisions in Pediatrics: A Narrative Review of the Roles of Caregivers, Shared Decision-Making, and Patient Centered Values. Behav Sci (Basel), 8(5).
Shubkin, C. D., Garrett, J. R., & Lantos, J. D. (2018). When Residents Let Conscience Be Their Guide: Professional Development and Educational Opportunity. Acad Pediatr, 18(3), 239-242.
Silva, M. D., Lew, C. D., Lundy, L., Lang, K. R., Melamed, I., & Shaul, R. Z. (2016). The Potential Value of the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child in Pediatric Bioethics Settings. Perspect Biol Med, 58(3), 290-305.
Swota, A., Goldhagen, J., & Lew, C. D. (2016). Advancing the Synergy Between Pediatric Bioethics and Child Rights. Perspect Biol Med, 58(3), 247-251.
Trogen, B., Caplan, A., & Klass, P. (2017). The Ethics of Open-Label Placebos in Pediatrics. Pediatrics, 140(2).
Ward, C. L., Shaw, D., Anane-Sarpong, E., Sankoh, O., Tanner, M., & Elger, B. (2018). The Ethics of Health Care Delivery in a Pediatric Malaria Vaccine Trial: The Perspectives of Stakeholders From Ghana and Tanzania. J Empir Res Hum Res Ethics, 13(1), 26-41.
Selected List of Published Articles on Ethics in Radiology
Balthazar, P., Harri, P., Prater, A., & Safdar, N. M. (2018). Protecting Your Patients' Interests in the Era of Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, and Predictive Analytics. Journal of the American College of Radiology, 15(3), 580-586.
Becker, G. J. (2005). Human subjects investigation: Timeless lessons of Nuremberg and Tuskegee. Journal of the American College of Radiology, 2(3), 215-217.
Berlin, L. (2014). Shared Decision-Making: Is It Time to Obtain Informed Consent Before Radiologic Examinations Utilizing Ionizing Radiation? Legal and Ethical Implications. Journal of the American College of Radiology, 11(3), 246-251.
Carlos, R. C., & Maly-Sundgren, P. C. (2011). Introduction: Ain't Misbehavin': Ethical Considerations in the Research and Practice of Radiology. Journal of the American College of Radiology, 8(12), 827
Davenport, M. S., Khalatbari, S., & Platt, J. F. (2015). Human- Versus System-Level Factors and Their Effect on Electronic Work List Variation: Challenging Radiology's Fundamental Attribution Error. Journal of the American College of Radiology, 12(9), 931-939.
Geis, J. R., Brady, A., Wu, C. C., Spencer, J., Ranschaert, E., Jaremko, J. L., Langer, S. G., Kitts, A. B., Birch, J., Shields, W. F., van den Hoven van Genderen, R., Kotter, E., Gichoya, J. W., Cook, T. S., Morgan, M. B., Tang, A., Safdar, N. M., & Kohli, M. (2019). Ethics of artificial intelligence in radiology: summary of the joint European and North American multisociety statement. Insights Imaging, 10(1), 101.
Gunderman, R. B. (2005). The golden rule. Journal of the American College of Radiology, 2(1), 76-78. (submit request)
Gunderman, R. B. (2012). Ethics and the Limits of Principles. Journal of the American College of Radiology, 9(4), 225-226. d
Hillman, B. J. (2011). Ethical Radiologic Practice. Journal of the American College of Radiology, 8(12), 818.
Kohli, M., & Geis, R. (2018). Ethics, Artificial Intelligence, and Radiology. Journal of the American College of Radiology, 15(9), 1317-1319.
Sarma, A., & Heilbrun, M. E. (2012). A Medical Student Perspective on Self-Referral and Overutilization in Radiology: Application of the Four Core Principles of Medical Ethics. Journal of the American College of Radiology, 9(4), 251-255.
Shi, J., & Flug, J. (2016). The Ethics of the Match. Journal of the American College of Radiology, 13(1), 88-89.
Major North American and European Radiology Organizations Publish Statement on Ethics of AI in Radiology
"The multi- society statement sets expectations and highlights consensus on promoting well-being, minimizing harm and respecting privacy."
Excerpt from American College of Radiology
Geis, J. R., Brady, A., Wu, C. C., Spencer, J., Ranschaert, E., Jaremko, J. L., Langer, S. G., Kitts, A. B., Birch, J., Shields, W. F., van den Hoven van Genderen, R., Kotter, E., Gichoya, J. W., Cook, T. S., Morgan, M. B., Tang, A., Safdar, N. M., & Kohli, M. (2019). Ethics of artificial intelligence in radiology: summary of the joint European and North American multisociety statement. Insights Imaging, 10(1), 101.
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