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Research Quality Advisory: Methods

This pilot guide lists information resources on scholarly publication metrics, research quality methodology, and research quality analysis. Note. The guide is under construction and new information is added. 

   Publication Sources 


Literature Search Databases

  • PubMed
    free search engine using MEDLINE database of life sciences and biomedical research 
  • Google Scholar
    ​Google Scholar free web search engine of scholarly literature in variety of research disciplines and sources
  • Scopus
    ​Elsevier's is licensed database of academic research in life sciences, social sciences, physical sciences, and health sciences
  • Web of Science
    Clarivate Analytics licensed database of academic research in variety of academic disciplines
  • DML library databases
    open and licensed databases of academic research in health sciences and military research 

Clinical Trials Databases 

  Analytical Tools   


  • OpenRefine
    ​Google Scholar open source tool for data cleaning, transforming from one format into another, and extending it with web services and external data
  • Science of Science (Sci2) Tool
    study the temporal, geospatial, topical, and network analysis and visualization of scholarly datasets at the micro, meso, and macro levels
  • RRStudio
    free software environment used for the statistical computing and data science 
  • Gephi
    open source software used for the analysis and visualization of the networks 
  • Inkscape
    open source professional vector graphics editor
    software for information analytics and visualization 
  • VOSviewer
    software for data mining and visualization of bibliometric networks
  • D3.js
    JavaScript Data-driven Documents library used for the interactive visualization in web browsers

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