Systematic reviews are conducted by a team of two or more clinicians by including subject specialty experts, clinicians from different fields of specialty expertise, and librarians to reduce the potential biases in conducting a review. The first step is to create the systematic review collaboration team, a timeline for the project, and chart the plan for review and team member roles and responsibilities.
Create a collaboration team
Timeline for a Cochrane review. Adapted from Higgins JPT, Green S (editors). Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions Version 5.1.0 [updated March 2011]. The Cochrane Collaboration, 2011.
Note: Authors should become familiar with the guidelines for conducting systematic review and meta-analyses. The authorship, publication, and specific systematic review requirements need to be discussed with the review collaborators at the beginning stage of the study planning
Information Solution: library resources, lectures, and consultations |
To learn how to plan, conduct, and write a systematic review, consider attending the lecture on Conducting Systematic Review, Conducting Research, and Protocol Development for Systematic Review to develop advanced knowledge on conducting research, literature analysis, study design, and research question formulation.
Conducting a Systematic Review
This lecture provides an overview of the purpose, structure, components, process of a systematic review, and systematic review standards and guidelines for conducting a systematic review.
Research Question for Scientific Study
This lecture introduces the process of research question development and planning the literature analysis for scientific studies.
Research Protocol Development
This lecture introduces protocol development concepts for systematic reviews, protocol registration with Cochrane and PROSPERO, and standards and guidelines for conducting a systematic review.
To attend lectures on writing a systematic review, please, register at the Library Course calendar.
Guidelines, Standards, and Checklists
Horsley, T. (2019). Tips for improving the writing and reporting quality of systematic, scoping, and narrative reviews. Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions, 39(1), 54-57.
For more information, books, and journals, browse DML Book Catalog, DML A-Z Journal Catalog, and DML Database Catalog. Consider also to schedule Consultation on finding associated resources on conducting a systematic review.
The first step in study development is the formulation of the research question. The study research topic and research question are necessary for hypothesis testing and study design for a systematic review.
Selection of research topic:
Higgins JPT, Green S (editors). Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions Version 5.1.0 [updated March 2011]. The Cochrane Collaboration, 2011. Available from
PICO method
Information resources are useful for the formulation of a clinical question for the study.
Foreground Questions - foreground information
Background Questions - background information
Information Solution: library resources, lectures, and consultations |
To learn how to develop a research question, attend the lecture Research Question for Scientific Study. Consider attending the lecture on Conducting Research and Protocol Development for Systematic Review to develop advanced knowledge on conducting research, literature analysis, study design, and research question formulation.
Research Question for Scientific Study
To attend a lecture on the formulation of a research question for scientific study, please, register at the Library Course calendar.
For more information, books, and journals, browse DML Book Catalog, DML A-Z Journal Catalog, and DML Database Catalog. Consider also to schedule Consultation on finding associated resources on conducting a systematic review.
A systematic review protocol describes the rationale, hypothesis, and planned methods of the review. It should be prepared before a review is started and used as a guide to carry out the review. PRIZMA
The systematic review’s research protocol is written before the literature search in order to avoid a potential influence of literature findings on the conduction of the systematic review. Additionally, researchers’ a priori knowledge prevents an impeding bias towards the literature selection, inclusion criteria, interventions, and review outcomes. In addition to that, the research protocol allows researchers conduct and report review results explicitly, and assess the quality, validity, and outcomes of the study results.
Submission of the study’s research protocol to systematic review sources such as the Cochrane Library, PROSPERO or other review-publishing platforms lets researchers easily to share the research protocol, as well as maintain and publish their review.
Information Solution: library resources, lectures, and consultations |
To learn how to develop research question attend the lecture Research Protocol Development . You might also consider to attend the lecture on Conducting Research to learn about conducting research, literature analysis, study design, and research question formulation.
Research Protocol Development
To attend a lecture on research protocol development, please, register at the Library Course calendar.
Sample of systematic review protocols:
For more information, books, and journals, browse DML Book Catalog, DML A-Z Journal Catalog, and DML Database Catalog. Consider also to schedule Consultation on finding associated resources on conducting a systematic review.
Systematic reviews require a thorough, objective, and reproducible search strategy of a study topic information resources to identify as many relevant studies as possible. The search methodology is a distinguishing element in constructing a literature search for systematic reviews compared to the narrative review search strategy.
The OVID MEDLINE, EMBASE, Cochrane Library are the minimum number of selected databases for conduction of systematic review. Subject and specialty-specific databases are selected for searching published articles (e.g. CINAHL, PsycINFO, and other). Gray literature resources (conference proceedings, dissertations, internal reports, non-peer-reviewed journals, and other resources) are also used in conducting a systematic review.
Librarians “can play an important role in developing high-quality narrative and systematic reviews, constructing search strategies, managing references, reviewing references for inclusion, documenting the search methodology, and contributing to the drafting of the final manuscript.” Rethlefsen, M.L., Murad, M.H., and Livingston, E.H. (2014). Engaging medical librarians to improve the quality of review articles. JAMA, 312(10), 999-1000
Information Solution: library resources, lectures, consultation, and collaboration |
To request a systematic review consultation in writing a systematic review, please, submit a Systematic Review consultation.
Please submit a systematic review protocol and collaboration request for collaboration on conducting and writing systematic reviews to request systematic review collaboration.
To attend lectures on conducting literature search, analysis, and synthesis, please, register at the Library Course calendar.
Search Filters
Gray Literature
Handsearching Resources
For more information, books, and journals, browse DML Book Catalog, DML A-Z Journal Catalog, and DML Database Catalog. Consider also to schedule Consultation on finding associated resources on conducting a systematic review.
Data extraction in systematic reviews adhere to the research protocol's defined plan and aims to collect study data. This process is blinded to avoid a potential risk of bias data extracted by two or more independent reviewers. The data collections forms (electronic or paper) are designed and pilot-tested before the major data extraction. The resolution guide, developed by the team, helps to solve data extraction disagreement between the reviewers. The extracted data is managed using various data management tools.
Information Solution: library resources, lectures, and consultations |
Systematic Review Data Management
Systematic Review Data Management
Guidance, Standards, Checklists
Systematic Review Management tools
Elamin, M. B., Flynn, D. N., Bassler, D., Briel, M., Alonso-Coello, P., Karanicolas, P. J., Guyatt, G. H., Malaga, G., Furukawa, T. A., Kunz, R., Schünemann, H., Murad, M. H., Barbui, C., Cipriani, A., & Montori, V. M. (2009). Choice of data extraction tools for systematic reviews depends on resources and review complexity. Journal of clinical epidemiology, 62(5), 506–510.
For more information, books, and journals, browse DML Book Catalog, DML A-Z Journal Catalog, and DML Database Catalog. Consider also to schedule Consultation on finding associated resources on conducting a systematic review.
The evaluation and assessment of published literature is an essential step in the systematic review preparation process. The appraisal of scientific articles is based on studies’ reported research-specific methodological and discipline-relevant criteria using various standards, checklists, and assessment tools developed for the systematic review.
Bias is a systematic error that affects the validity of the undergoing review. Publication, reporting, selection, and attrition biases main biases analyzed when conducting review. The internal, external, and model validly is evaluated in analyzed studies. The randomization, allocation concealments, controls, blinding, outcome, and statistical parameters project the study's internal validity. The study participants, population, outcome, effect size, and clinical significance demonstrate external validity. The reproducibility and generalizability of the study model in a population and setting across studied populations and settings (e.g. treatment, outcomes, etc.) are referred by model validity by studying health providers qualification (training, skills, accreditations), treatment regimen or studied phenomena, and patient and provider knowledge and preferences.
Selected Quality Assessment Sources
Information Solution: library resources, lectures, and consultations |
Guidelines, Standards, and Checklists
Quality Assessment Scoring System
Internal Validity
External Validity
Systematic Review Management tools
For more information, books, and journals, browse DML Book Catalog, DML A-Z Journal Catalog, and DML Database Catalog. Consider also to schedule Consultation on finding associated resources on conducting a systematic review.
After the study is evaluated according to the research protocol, the narrative (qualitative) and/or quantitative analysis is carried out. The narrative analysis results in a structured summary of the research and study findings. The literature synthesis includes analyzing the study results (evidence-based approach using PICO (S) (T)) to assess the quality of published literature, science, and knowledge gaps of studied research. Additional analysis includes an assessment of the quality of individual studies. The selection of the quality assessment tools depends on the systematic review scope and research question, and collaborative team choice of selected methodology in conducting a systematic review. The study results are analyzed, synthesized, and interpreted using various quality assessment tools to understand the studied evidence, clinical applicability, clinical implementation, and future study plan.
Information Solution: library resources, statistical analysis consultation, DRP statisticians |
Statistical Applications
The command has an SPSS contract allowing the software to be loaded as needed but with a limited number of concurrent users. Due to server configuration and licensing limitations, SPSS cannot be installed on privately owned PCs or laptops. Please, contact IT. For more information, contact the Statisticians in the Department of Research Programs.
SAS (not available in Darnall Medical Library)
For more information, books, and journals, browse DML Book Catalog, DML A-Z Journal Catalog, and DML Database Catalog. Consider also to schedule Consultation on finding associated resources on conducting a systematic review.
The Grades of Recommendation, Assessment, Development and Evaluation working group was implemented to assess the quality of analyzed studies. The GRADE method is useful for interpretation of studies’ results that contributes to the delivery of best recommendations in healthcare.
Key points
Excerpt from Holger J Schünemann, Andrew D Oxman, Gunn E Vist, Julian PT Higgins, Jonathan J Deeks, Paul Glasziou and Gordon H Guyatt on behalf of the Cochrane Applicability and Recommendations Methods Group.
Information Solution: library resources, consultation, DRP statisticians |
Data Analysis - on conducting statistical analysis using IBM SPSS software package and data analysis.
Department of Research Programs
For more information, books, and journals, browse DML Book Catalog, DML A-Z Journal Catalog, and DML Database Catalog. Consider also to schedule Consultation on finding associated resources on conducting a systematic review.
The research findings of a completed systematic review can be shared with the biomedical community using the following sources:
Information Solution: Iibrary resources, consultation |
To request a consultation on article publication, please, submit consultation request Scientific Writing.
For more information, books, and journals, browse DML Book Catalog, DML A-Z Journal Catalog, and DML Database Catalog. Consider also to schedule Consultation on finding associated resources on conducting a systematic review.
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