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Neurosurgery Portal: Reading List

About this reading list

As the only neurosurgery training program within the Department of Defense, the National Capital Consortium has a mission to “Train the Military Neurosurgeon.”  A large part of this mission is to have a thorough understanding of the literature that is specific to what makes military neurosurgery unique.  This reading list represents a literature search designed to bring together these articles in one location for easy access.  By understanding the lessons learned from previous conflicts, we can better internalize and apply these lessons to future conflicts when and where they arise.

--CDR Chris J Neal, MC USN, Neurosurgery Program Director NCC

How to access the full text articles

WRNMMC-affiliated personnel

Sometimes access is inconsistent. When in doubt, try a different browser, or email us for assistance.
To access articles:

  1. Follow the article link to PubMed.
  2. If we have access to full text, you will see the purple Locate@Darnall icon to the upper right of the abstract.
  3. Clicking on that link will try to connect you to the full-text article.
  4.  If there is no link, or the link does not take you to the article, you can request the full text article for no charge via the "Ask the DML" link in the "Contact Us" box on the right hand side of this page.

Non-WRNMMC personnel

Most of the links in our reading lists will take you to PubMed. To access the full-text articles, contact your institution's librarian for suggestions on how to best access their subscriptions via the PubMed link. For those who are unaffiliated with an institution, you have the option to purchase articles via the publisher links to the upper right of the abstract.  

Military Neurosurgery Search and RSS Feed

Click this hyperlink to run the Military Neurosurgery search in PubMed.

Below, you will find the 5 most recent articles that match the Military Neurosurgery search in PubMed.

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Military Neurosurgery Articles

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Providers and Staff
For WRNNMC Patients
  • TRICARE Appointment Line: 855-227-6331
  • Walter Reed NMMC Main Phone: 301-295-4611
  • TRICARE Health Services (includes phone numbers)

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After-hours access to the library is available to WRNMMC Staff via the CDO at 301-295-4611.