The Darnall Medical Library (DML) will be closed for renovations from November 22, 2024 to January 8, 2025. We will resume the DML function on January 9, 2025. For this reason, DML will not be available for users to request the library's print resources. You can still access the library's electronic resources through the DML information guides. We will continue to provide uninterrupted information support. We apologize for any inconvenience it might have caused.
Image courtesy of Dr. Tmanova and Mr. Jones
Online Support:
Business Hours: 0700-1730.
Live CHAT Hours: 0900-1500.
DML guide:
You can reach out to librarians and staff by using the ASK the Library and Research Discovery information support. Services like the ASK the Library and Research Support help WRNMMC affiliates with literature searches, clinical care, research, and education.
While the ASK the Library and Research Discovery support may be helpful for getting assistance during renovations, patrons may also consider utilizing online resources or contacting library staff via email or phone for any immediate questions or concerns.
The support will be provided to WRNMMC affiliated clinicians, nurses, staff, and researchers to support urgent patient care and clinical care through the:
Library classes will be taught quarterly in DoD Teams. Classes will be also taught by request from WRNMMC affiliated GME program or staff. Please explore offered list of classes and registration guidelines at the:
Resources & Services not Available during the Library Closure:
While some services and resources will not be available, the library's support remains unaffected. We are encouraging WRNMMC affiliated patrons to stay engaged with DML team throughout this time of transition. The DML function will resume on January 9, 2025. Additional information pertaining to DML closure and support to be provided.
Online Information Resources and Access
Online information resources. WRNMMC affiliates can access online information resources (e-books, e-journals, and others) through the authenticated access. To request such access, please submit request at Additional information at
E-books and e-articles. WRNMMC affiliates can brose and access e-books, e-journals, or electronic resources using Book Catalog and A-Z journal list or Browzine. Additional information about Browzine at
Interlibrary loan. WRNMMC affiliates can request articles and e-books by submitting ILL request. Additional information at ILL guide at
Darnall Medical Library | Walter Reed NMMC | Building 1, Room 3458 | 8955 Wood Road | Bethesda, MD 20889 | 301-295-1184/85 | Open Monday-Friday, 0700-1630
After-hours access to the library is available to WRNMMC Staff via the CDO at 301-295-4611.