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Internal Medicine Portal: Mobile Resources

Mobile apps available to DML patrons

Free mobile apps

AnticoagEvaluator App Logo

AnticoagEvaluator App

Use the AnticoagEvaluator to make informed decisions on initiation of antithrombotic therapy for patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) who do not have moderate to severe mitral stenosis or a mechanical heart valve.

ASCVD Risk Estimator App Logo

ASCVD Risk Estimator Plus

ASCVD Risk Estimator Plus uses up-to-date ACC clinical policy and user feedback to help a clinician and patient build a customized risk lowering plan by estimating and monitoring change in 10 year ASCVD risk. 

Calculate by QxMD Mobile App Logo

Calculate by QxMD

Clinical calculator and decision support tool. 

Caring4WomenVeterals Mobile App Logo


Comprehensive information targeting specific health care needs of women Veterans - facts and statistics about women Veterans’ health, an overview of common issues, questions to guide conversations with patients and links to additional resources.



Designed to help prehospital, hospital healthcare providers, and public health professionals treat injuries, prepare for blast events, and save lives. Use this app to access critical guidance during an emergency, even if communication networks are down.

CDC TravWell App Logo

CDC TravWell

This app, designed for international travel, provides destination-specific vaccine recommendations, a travel checklist and a healthy travel packing list. You can also use this app to store travel documents and records of immunizations and to set reminders for getting vaccine boosters or taking medicine.

CDC Vaccine Schedules App Logo

CDC Vaccine Schedules

Healthcare providers who recommend or administer vaccines can immediately access all CDC recommended immunization schedules and footnotes using the CDC Vaccine Schedules app. Optimized for tablets and useful on smartphones, the app shows child, adolescent, and adult vaccines recommended by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP). 

CDC Yellow Book 2020

The CDC Yellow Book 2020 app delivers the U.S. government’s most current travel health guidelines, including pre-travel vaccine recommendations, destination-specific health advice, and easy-to-reference maps, tables, and charts. Authored by a team of the world’s most esteemed travel medicine experts, this app best codifies the U.S. Government’s latest travel guidelines to staying healthy anywhere in the world.


The COVID Coach app was created for everyone, including Veterans and Servicemembers, to support self-care and overall mental health during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

COVID-19 iChart

Clinically useful, reliable, comprehensive, up-to-date, evidence-based drug-drug interaction resource, freely available to healthcare workers, patients and researchers, in order to provide information on the likelihood of interactions between the experimental agents used for the treatment of COVID-19 and commonly prescribed co-medications.

Defense Medical Ethics

The US Department of Defense Medical Ethics Center resources in your pocket.
All the latest medical ethics information, delivered directly from the US Department of Defense.

Deployed Medicine App Logo

Deployed Medicine

Deployed Medicine is an innovative learning service developed to supplement the medical education and training of U.S. military personnel. The information contained in this app is designed to serve as a supplementary resource to reinforce prior training, and to help you deliver high quality trauma care in deployed settings.

Deployment Readiness Education for Service Women

Defense Health Agency app providing a one-stop resource for deployment information. Access mental and physical health resources, women’s health information, contraception and family planning resources, tips for staying connected to family during deployment, a deployment packing list and tips for navigating TRICARE.

Drug Shortages app logo

Drug Shortages

View drug shortages, report shortages, and receive notifications when there is new or updated information about a drug product shortage or a drug within selected therapeutic categories.

Electronic Preventive Services Selector Mobile App Logo

Electronic Preventive Services Selector

The ePSS is an application designed to help primary care clinicians identify clinical preventive services that are appropriate for their patients. Use the tool to search and browse U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) recommendations on the web or on your PDA or mobile device.

Epocrates Mobile App Logo


Review drug prescribing and safety information for thousands of brand, generic and OTC drugs. 

Exposure Ed Mobile App Logo

Exposure Ed

Tool created for providers to have an informed discussion with Veterans about their individual exposure-related concerns and potential impacts on their health.

Field Facts mobile app logo

Field Facts - Apple

Access descriptions of safety measures and protective clothing to protect yourself from exposure. Learn how to recognize signs and symptoms of disease associated with eight potential bioterrorism agents. 

First Aid app logo from the American Red Cross

First Aid (American Red Cross)

Instant access to information on handling the most common first aid emergencies. 

FluView mobile app logo

FluView - Apple

This is the official FluView Influenza-Like Illness Activity mobile application created by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Explore Influenza-Like Illness (ILI) Activity Levels across the US; view ILI trends over several weeks; and get on-demand access to state health department websites for local surveillance information.

Medscape Mobile App Logo


Drugs, Diseases and Clinical Tools; the latest medical news and perspectives, Medscape Consult, and CME/CE credits & ABIM MOC points on-the-go.

MSF Medical Guidelines App Logo

MSF Medical Guidelines

Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) produces medical guides to help practitioners in the field. The contents of these guides are based on scientific data and MSF’s field experience. The scientific data used are that of the World Health Organization (WHO) or renowned international medical institutions as well as medical and scientific journals.

My Military OneSource

Service members, military family members and survivors can download the app to receive personalized support, advanced search capabilities and access to “must know” information on military life and benefits.

NICE Guidelines Mobile App Logo

NICE Guidelines

The latest prescribing information from the most widely-used medicines information resources within the NHS. Now includes BNFC information.

Outbreaks Near Me App Logo

Outbreaks Near Me

Real-time disease outbreak information at your fingertips. Search and browse outbreak reports on the interactive map, and set up the app to alert you with a notice automatically whenever an outbreak is occurring in your area. 

mobilePDR app logo

Physician's Desk Reference: mobilePDR

Healthcare professionals have FREE access to current drug prescribing information. 

Provider Resilience Mobile App Logo

Provider Resilience - Apple

Provider Resilience - Android

Provider Resilience gives frontline providers tools to keep themselves productive and emotionally healthy.

PTSD Coach app logo

PTSD Coach

The PTSD Coach app can help you learn about and manage symptoms that often occur after trauma.

Red Cross Emergency app logo

Red Cross Emergency

All-inclusive app lets you monitor more than 35 different severe weather and emergency alerts, to help keep you and your loved ones safe.



For behavioral health - immediate access for any type of traumatic event at every phase of response, including pre-deployment preparation, on-the-ground assistance and post-deployment resources.

Shots Mobile App Logo

Shots by AAFP/STFM

Get easy-to-use, up-to-date vaccine information at the point of care with Shots Immunizations by the American Academy of Family Physicians and Society of Teachers of Family Medicine.

Show Me for Emergencies app logo

Show Me for Emergencies

A suite of tools designed to enhance communication between individuals with communication challenges and public health and emergency management personnel and volunteers during times of emergencies. 

Skyscape Medical Library App Logo

Skyscape Medical Library App

Includes Skyscape RX, Skyscape Clinical Concult, and Skyscape Calculator. 

Standards of Care (Diabetes)

Includes both the full standards of care narrative and interactive tools accessing the most referenced algorithms. It includes the latest in standards for diagnosing and treating diabetes, nutrition recommendations and principles, and valuable guidelines on managing diabetes and its complications in various settings.

Stop the Bleed App Logo

Stop the Bleed - Apple

Stop the Bleed - Android

Life-threatening bleeding can be fatal in minutes. Use this app to learn techniques recommended by the Stop the Bleed campaign to apply pressure and possibly save lives in an emergency.

TeamSTEPPS app logo

TeamSTEPPS Pocket Guide

Structured communication tools and checklists from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality's signature curriculum to improve patient safety by training health care teams to communicate and practice effective teamwork.

USAMRIID's Biodefense App logo

USAMRIID's Biodefense Tool - Apple

USAMRIID's Biodefense Tool - Android

This application distills key information presented in USAMRIID’s training and education courses on biological threat agents of concern and serves as a quick reference for the identification of these agents in the field. Links to additional resources and contact information for emergency response to a suspected biowarfare or bioterrorism situation are also available through the application.

For WRNNMC Healthcare
Providers and Staff
For WRNNMC Patients
  • TRICARE Appointment Line: 855-227-6331
  • Walter Reed NMMC Main Phone: 301-295-4611
  • TRICARE Health Services (includes phone numbers)

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Of Interest: AudioDigest


2. Follow the prompts to create your own username/password*
3. On subsequent visits, log-in anywhere, anytime with your own UN/PW at 
4. To access on mobile, download the "ADF Membership" app from the Apple App Store or Google Play store and login with your username/password
Finally, please feel free to visit the Audio Digest Resource page for additional promotional and instructional materials.
* Note: When you do register, it won't let you enter your address-- there's an address in Texas. That's correct. AudioDigest is funded out of San Antonio.


UpToDate Mobile

Would you like UpToDate on your smartphone or tablet? Click here for information on the UpToDate app.

Click here for the FAQ: How do I create an account for the UpToDate mobile app?


Disclaimer: The appearance of hyperlinks does not constitute endorsement by the Department of Defense, Defense Health Agency of non-U.S. Government sites or the information, products, or services contained therein. Although the Darnall Medical Library, WRNMMC may or may not use these sites as additional distribution channels for Department of Defense information, it does not exercise editorial control over all of the information that you may find at these locations. Such hyperlinks are provided consistent with the stated purpose of this website.

Darnall Medical Library | Walter Reed NMMC | Building 1, Room 3458 | 8955 Wood Road | Bethesda, MD 20889 | 301-295-1184/85 | Open Monday-Friday, 0700-1700

After-hours access to the library is available to WRNMMC Staff via the CDO at 301-295-4611.