For an A-Z list of all of the library's databases, please go to the library's Databases page.
Ask for assistance with a literature search
A lit search is searching a database for targeted results on your topic
Results will typically be delivered as a list or link to citations
Other related pieces to lit searching:
Request document delivery if you're looking for full-text PDFs for citations you've found
My NCBI allows you to save searches, save collections of citations, manage filters, and save site preferences for major NCBI databases in PubMed.
We recommend setting up a free account (you don't have to use your address) so you can have personalized features, such as the links to full text results, highlighting of your search results, and the abstracts displayed when you search rather than just the summaries of articles.
Once you've created an account, go to the Filters box, click on "Manage Filters" and then select "Link Out". In the box, type in "Darnall" and check off both the boxes for filter and link icon. Next, in the search box, type in "Free Full Text," and check off the box for "filter."
Now you can go back to the top of the screen and click on "MyNCBI" again to customize your results display. Choose "NCBI Site Preferences" then, on the next page, change your highlighting preferences to a color of your choice (it is probably default to a non-color), and your "result display setting" to "abstract" and whichever number you choose instead of summary. You're all set and ready to search!
More information on NCBI accounts (there's a lot more to them, including saved searches)
To be linked to WRNMMC's journal article holdings (so you see the Locate@Darnall option), you should click on Settings in Google Scholar. Once you've clicked Settings, look to the left sidebar and click on Library Links. Look up Walter Reed National Military Medical Center - Locate@Darnall.
Researching a Medical Condition?
Click the button below!
Prepare for clinical rotations with a free account. Register from a command computer at
Research Information
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Copyright Overview
Interlibrary Loan
Library Instruction
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Remote Access (EZProxy)
24 / 7 Access
Electronic Journals: Graphical Interface
Electronic Journals A-Z
Books: Print and Electronic
Database Tutorials
Mobile Apps / Resources
Academic Research Information Guide
Current Events: COVID-19
Internal Medicine Portal
Military Sites
Pediatrics Portal
All Other Portals
Disclaimer: The appearance of hyperlinks does not constitute endorsement by the Department of Defense, Defense Health Agency of non-U.S. Government sites or the information, products, or services contained therein. Although the Darnall Medical Library, WRNMMC may or may not use these sites as additional distribution channels for Department of Defense information, it does not exercise editorial control over all of the information that you may find at these locations. Such hyperlinks are provided consistent with the stated purpose of this website.
Darnall Medical Library | Walter Reed NMMC | Building 1, Room 3458 | 8955 Wood Road | Bethesda, MD 20889 | 301-295-1184/85 | Open Monday-Friday, 0700-1700
After-hours access to the library is available to WRNMMC Staff via the CDO at 301-295-4611.